Sentence example of “horned”

How to use in-sentence of “horned”:

+ Salamander tadpoles and surinam horned toad tadpoles are carnivorous throughout their tadpole stage.

+ They are also known as South American horned frogs as well as Pacman frogs.

+ The movie is about the evil Horned King who hopes to secure the magical Black Cauldron and rule the world with its help.

+ Shortly afterwards Sherden are seen in the Pharaoh’s body-guard with their horned helmets, round shields and the great Naue II swords.

+ The horned grebe or Slavonian grebe, referring to the placement of the legs on its body; “auritus”: Latin for “eared” – is a member of the grebe family of water birds.

+ The female horned lizard lays her eggs in a hole in the ground.

+ Most Wiccans believe in a horned male god and a moon goddess.

+ The “Beelzebufo” was a member of the horned toad sub-family, the Ceratophryinae.

Sentence example of horned
Sentence example of horned

Example sentences of “horned”:

+ Jackson’s chameleon, also known as the horned chameleon, Jackson’s horned chameleon, or Kikuyu three-horned chameleon, is a species of chameleon found in the forests of Kenya and Tanzania.

+ The Horned lizards are a genus of lizard wlives in dry areas and deserts of North America.

+ A wingbeat is one complete up-and-down movement, which means that the horned sungem moves its wing muscles at a rate of more than 10,000 times per minute.

+ Therefore, the consequence of this action is our entire responsibility, not of an evil supernatural being.” The Horned godcorniferous god “phallic, they were associated with virility, and were soon symbols of ancient European religions.

+ The horned sungem is a species of hummingbird.

+ Breeding horned and hornless together functions as a genetic dehorner.

+ Most of the members of this subfamily are viviparous, meaning they give live birth, although a few, such as the Persian Horned viper, lay eggs.

+ Both male and female scimitar horned oryx have long curved horns.

+ Jackson's chameleon, also known as the horned chameleon, Jackson's horned chameleon, or Kikuyu three-horned chameleon, is a species of chameleon found in the forests of Kenya and Tanzania.

+ The Horned lizards are a genus of lizard wlives in dry areas and deserts of North America.

+ Of several Indus valley seals that show animals, one seal that has attracted attention shows a large central figure, either horned or wearing a horned headdress and possibly ithyphallic, seated in a posture reminiscent of the Lotus position, surrounded by animals.

+ The western tragopan or western horned tragopan is a medium-sized brightly plumaged pheasant found along the Himalayas.

+ The horned lizard eats mostly ants or other crawling insects.

+ The number of choices of Horned dilemmas can be used in their alternative names, such as two-pronged or trilemma, and so on.

+ The Scimitar oryx or Scimitar horned oryx is a species of oryx that is extinct in the wild.

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