In-sentence examples of “albatross”

How to use in-sentence of “albatross”:

+ His chivalry reached its peak one day when an albatross landed on the deck of the “Josie Lee”.

+ Midway Atoll is now home to 67-70% of the world’s Laysan Albatross population, and 34-39% of the global Black-footed Albatross.

+ The tattoo artist removes your skin by making wide cuts with a mallet and either a Turtle scale or an Albatross bone.

+ It takes a lot of time for an albatross to lay an egg and raise a chick.

+ This is one of their strongest instinct, and the study of Laysan Albatross showed that the normal distance between the place where it was hatched and the place where the bird made its own territory was 22m.

+ Another threat to albatrosses are introduced species, like rats or feral cats, which attack the albatross or its chicks and eggs.

In-sentence examples of albatross
In-sentence examples of albatross

Example sentences of “albatross”:

+ Gawler had contributed a collection of minerals and exotic stuffed birds which included an albatross from his time as governor.

+ When people are sad or feel they are carrying a burden, they may use the expression ‘to have an albatross around their neck’.

+ Wandering albatross live together when breeding, which they do once every two years.

+ Popeye then noticed that the small bird was wearing a pair of tiny lady’s shoes, making him realize that this albatross was a lady bird, or “Albatress”, as he called her.

+ Seabirds include four species of albatross: Black-browed Albatross “”.

+ From the two albatross species that live in Hawaii, one of them, the Black-footed Albatross, eats mostly fish.

+ Pickering, S.P.C., Berrow, S.D., “Courtship behaviour of the Wandering Albatross “Diomedea exulans” at Bird Island, South Georgia” “Marine Ornithology” 29: 29–37 When a bird first comes it will dance with many other albatrosses, but after a few years, the number of birds it will dance with will lessen until one of the birds are chosen.

+ The main reason why albatross are endangered is longline fishing which causes many albatross to get caught on hooks that have been baited to catch fish.

+ In the southern hemisphere, most people still call the albatross mollymawk, which came from the word “malle-mugge”, an old Dutch.

+ The Māori people used the wing bones of the albatross to carve tattoos into their skin at ceremonies.

+ The wandering albatross is a large seabird of the family family Diomedeidae.

+ Gawler had contributed a collection of minerals and exotic stuffed birds which included an albatross from his time as governor.

+ When people are sad or feel they are carrying a burden, they may use the expression 'to have an albatross around their neck'.

+ With the little female albatross now saved, Popeye apologetically bowed before the little bird and said “maybe you is somebody’s sister, tha’s a fack! Nobody but a criminal would do a hurt to anybody’s sister!”, and the little bird happily went on her way.

+ It is also called the snowy albatross or white-winged albatross.

+ Also, sometimes the Waved Albatross has been seen stealing food from other birds.

+ Burrell has written other orchestral works including concertos for viola, flute and clarinet, an opera “The Albatross lots of choral works and chamber music.

+ In the Midway Islands there have been many airplane crashes because of collisions with Laysan Albatrosses, causing fatalities in both the albatross and human population.

+ In all albatross species, both parents incubate the egg from between one day and three weeks.

+ Cobley, N.D., “An observation of live prey capture by a Black-browed Albatross “Diomedea melanophrys” ” “Marine Ornithology” 24: 45–46.

+ The oldest albatross recorded was the Northern Royal Albatross that lived for 61 years.

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