Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Fiscal year

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Fiscal year

Ariel: Hi Stella, do you know what a fiscal year is?

Stella: Yes, it’s a 12-month period that companies and governments use for financial reporting and budgeting purposes.

Ariel: That’s right. Do fiscal years always start on January 1st?

Stella: Not necessarily. While many entities use the calendar year as their fiscal year, some choose different start dates that align better with their business cycles.

Ariel: I see. So, what are some common fiscal year start dates?

Stella: Some common alternatives include July 1st, October 1st, or even the first day of a company’s incorporation.

Ariel: Interesting. What are the advantages of choosing a non-calendar fiscal year?

Stella: Choosing a fiscal year that aligns with a company’s business cycles can make financial reporting and budgeting more efficient and accurate.

Ariel: That makes sense. Are there any regulatory requirements for selecting a fiscal year?

Stella: Generally, companies must adhere to regulations set by tax authorities or accounting standards boards when selecting their fiscal year.

Ariel: I understand. So, companies need to consider both internal and external factors when choosing their fiscal year?

Stella: Exactly. It’s an important decision that can impact financial planning, reporting, and compliance.

Ariel: Thanks for explaining, Stella.

Stella: No problem, Ariel. Understanding the fiscal year is crucial for anyone involved in financial management or reporting.