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Top 10 English Verbs for Political and Social Discussions

2K views · Dec 7, 2023
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Top 10 English Verbs for Political and Social Discussions 1. Advocate: Expressing Support or Opposition To advocate means to publicly support or oppose a cause, idea, or policy. It's a powerful verb that shows your stance clearly. For example, 'I advocate for stricter environmental regulations.' 2. Condemn: Strongly Disapproving When you condemn something, you express strong disapproval. It's a verb that signifies your objection in no uncertain terms. For instance, 'We condemn all forms of discrimination.' 3. Propose: Suggesting Solutions Proposing is about putting forward ideas or solutions. It's an essential verb in problem-solving discussions. You can say, 'I propose a new approach to tackle this issue.' 4. Critique: Analyzing and Evaluating To critique means to analyze or evaluate something, often in a detailed manner. It's a verb that shows your ability to think critically. For example, 'I would like to critique the economic policies in place.' 5. Emphasize: Highlighting Importance When you emphasize, you're giving special importance or attention to a particular point. It's a verb that helps you make your message clear. You can say, 'I want to emphasize the need for immediate action.' 6. Negotiate: Finding Common Ground Negotiating is about reaching an agreement through discussion and compromise. It's a verb that's crucial in resolving conflicts. For instance, 'We need to negotiate a fair deal for all parties involved.' 7. Promote: Encouraging or Advancing To promote means to actively support or encourage the growth or development of something. It's a verb that shows your commitment. For example, 'We should promote equal opportunities for everyone.' 8. Refute: Disproving or Contradicting When you refute, you're proving a statement or argument to be false or incorrect. It's a verb that demonstrates your ability to counter arguments. You can say, 'I must refute the claim that this policy is effective.' 9. Mobilize: Organizing for Action Mobilizing is about bringing people together and organizing them for a specific action or cause. It's a verb that signifies your intention to make a collective impact. For instance, 'We need to mobilize the community to address this issue.' 10. Envision: Imagining Future Possibilities To envision means to imagine or picture something in the future. It's a verb that shows your ability to think beyond the present. You can say, 'I envision a society where everyone has equal opportunities.' Conclusion: Expanding Your Verbal Arsenal By incorporating these 10 verbs into your vocabulary, you'll be equipped to engage in meaningful political and social discussions. Remember, the right verb at the right time can make all the difference. Happy learning and happy discussing!
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