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Word Meaning In Sentences - Examples Of Word Meaning In Sentences

3K views · Jan 26, 2024
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Search your words in sentences - Pansol is a Tagalog word meaning aqueduct, while Burol, also a native word, means mound. - The word twistle is an old English word meaning brooks meet. - The name Loma is derived from a Spanish word meaning small hill. - The name of the island is a Tupi language word meaning many pacas. - This reveals that while infants do not understand word meaning, they are in the process of learning about their native language and grammatical structure. - It is a dutch word meaning Community Portal. - Bienvenue is a French word meaning welcome, and describes the pleasure of the French party at finding a cape not shown on previous charts where a landing could be made. - The two rivers where the name contains an old Norwegian word meaning river are fine. - That the word meaning a gaming die would be borrowed seems likely. - The name appears on an Argentine government chart of 1957 and suggests the recent discovery of the rock; nueva is a Spanish word meaning new. - Patois is a French word meaning a regional or very local language. - He specializes in the creation of linguistic corpora that can be used to better study and understand word meaning. - When the words are presented in color, participants are asked to categorize based on color alone and ignore word meaning. - The theory of embodied semantics involves the existence of specialized hubs where the meaning of a word is tied with the sensory motor processing unit associated with the word meaning. - Sliem is the Maltese word meaning peace. - The Trapps hamlet itself grew along the Coxing Kill in the upper Clove, a Dutch word meaning cleft or valley. - In some cases, however, the difference between a long and a short vowel is purely phonetic, and does not change word meaning. - This is a surprising result considering that the tonal language of Mandarin Chinese relies on changes in pitch to indicate word meaning. - Pagwachuan is a Cree word meaning shallow river. - Tens of thousands of researchers have an interest in the subject of word meaning. - When object agnosia occurs from a lesion in the dominant hemisphere, there is often a profound associated language disturbance, including loss of word meaning. - Khanqah is a Persian word meaning a house or abode of sufis and dervishes. - Wikitionary reckons it is a northern British dialect word meaning scuffling or wrestling. - Today I was pleased to discover another word meaning more or less the same thing. - The name is taken from an ancient Greek word meaning, unconditional love. - Sorpresa is a Spanish word meaning surprise. - The name comes from the dictionary word meaning a standard by which to judge quality. - This shows that children are sensitive to different syntactic categories and can use their observations of syntax to infer word meaning. - The French Wikipedia article cited above by Lindert confirms that it is an archaic word meaning just that. - Accordingly, Akanlu is a Turkish word meaning farmland. - This does not change word meaning. - Before 1945 the village was known as Gurkow, a name derived from the Slavic word meaning mountain or hill. - Another is chichinadas, from the word meaning to hit, and very similar to marbles. - Alford Greenup assumed the management of the run in 1868, and by 1878 as a result of the tin mining boom Marsh converted his run into the private township of Stannum, which is a Latin word meaning tin. - The common word meaning one who gives gifts seems primary over the surname. - Celebrated during the last week of May; an Ybanag word meaning the harvest or planting of corn. - Each word has a corresponding picture to help children remember the word meaning. - Fringe has deviated on this project from a word meaning deviating from accepted science to meaning anything we disagree with. - I told you several times to link me an article that provide a translation from an original japanese source that stated that this word meaning this and not this. - I need to know the word meaning in the blank above. - Many people in Judique believe it is a First Nations word meaning water. - This is an Aboriginal Australians word meaning Place of Good View. - Kwinana is a Kimberley Aboriginal Australians word meaning either young woman or pretty maiden. - This is connected with the related Persian word meaning both melancholic and enamored. - Its name derives from the word meaning water sources which supplied the whole area. - First, it has been noted that word meaning is an extension of our bodily and cultural experiences. - The word pocosin is a Native Americans in the United States word meaning swamp.
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