Some sentences in use of “mollusc”

How to use in-sentence of “mollusc”:

– This small cephalopod mollusc lives in warm, shallow reefs off the coast of Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

– The association of specimens of “Xenoturbella” with mollusc larva has led many to suggest that they are molluscivores.

– The Coleoidae do not have a true endoskeleton in the evolutionary sense; here, a mollusc exoskeleton evolutiondeveloped into several sorts of internal structure, the “cuttlebone” of cuttlefish being the best-known version.

– The particles of a beach are sometimes biological in origin, such as mollusc shell shells or bits of coral and sometimes bits of igneous rock, but the most common mineral in beaches is quartz.

– These are adaptations of the basic mollusc foot.

– This mollusc is found in shallow waters of the Atlantic Ocean off the east coast of North America from Massachusetts to northern Florida.

– The knobbed whelk is a gastropod mollusc which is protected by a thick, hard shell.

Some sentences in use of mollusc
Some sentences in use of mollusc

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