Some sentences in use of “fruit”

How to use in-sentence of “fruit”:

– Vernon became an economic hub in the Okanagan because of its many cattle ranches and fruit orchard areas that attracted British families.

– Her favorite fruit is the lychee.

– Wilson’s bird-of-paradise eat usually fruit or small insects.

– It’s fruit a globeglobular berry.

– Chopper is a blue-nosed reindeer that ate a devils fruit which gave him the ability to become partly human.

– The fruit is sweeter, much larger, and more scentaromatic than that of the loganberry.

– The word “apricot” comes from the Arabic languageArabic “Al-birquq”, in turn derived from Latin “armeniacus”, i.e., “the fruit from Armenia”.

– The Mandarin orange, also known as the mandarin or mandarine with fruit that looks like other oranges.

Some sentences in use of fruit
Some sentences in use of fruit

Example sentences of “fruit”:

– Over the course of the Republican period, the “cena” developed into two courses: a main course and a dessert with fruit and seafood.

– The cells of fruit flies usually do not divide after the imago is hatched.

– The fruit of the White Mulberry, an east Asian species, has a very weak flavor.

– Each fruit has a single seed that resembles a small snail shell which is protected by the hard endocarp, also known as the inner section of the ovary wall.

– Sorbet, or sherbet, is a cold dessert made with water or fruit juice instead of milk.

– Drammen is also the main city for car and fruit import in Norway.

– The fruit is a small red or purple berry, 1cm in diameter, with many seeds.

- Over the course of the Republican period, the "cena" developed into two courses: a main course and a dessert with fruit and seafood.

- The cells of fruit flies usually do not divide after the imago is hatched.
- The fruit of the White Mulberry, an east Asian species, has a very weak flavor.

– The palm-nut vulture is unusual, because it feeds mainly on the fruit of the oil palm.

Fruit bats, like other Megachiropteran bats, use the sense of smell to find their food, fruit and/or nectar.

– A lychee is a tropical fruit in the genus “Litchi”.

– A 1984 study of the Sunda slow loris found its diet was 71% fruit and gums, and 29% insects and other animal prey.

– The fruit is usually a single seed surrounded by flesh.

More in-sentence examples of “fruit”:

– Just as with still existing hunters and gatherers, there were many varied “diets” – in different groups -of fruit and vegetables.

– The fruit of the rose is called a hip.

– A nut is a hard-shelled fruit of some plants.

– That said, almost all primates and even carnivores will travel great distances to feast when a fruit tree has dropped its ripened fruit.

– Some, like the large great kiskadee, may eat fruit or small vertebrates such as frogs.

– That a given fruit is an apple is both a “necessary” and a “sufficient” condition for Madison to eat the fruit.

– The inside of the fruit has a white pulp with a citrus taste.

Fruit salads are made of fruit, and include the fruit cocktail that can be made fresh or from canned fruit.

– They all have a thin skin, but most of the fruit is fleshy.

– During this period he continued his work on Indian corn and began, in collaboration with Dobzhansky and Sturtevant work on crossing-over in the fruit fly, “Drosophila melanogaster”.

– It can attack the blossoms and stop the fruit from developing.

– The fruit can be up to 8cm across, and is usually sweet.

– The fruit is part of a plant’s sexual reproduction cycle.

– The leaves and fruit of the Castor oil plant have been identified, as well.

– Citrus fruit and red berries are commonly added.

– Gardening is done just to produce fruit or vegetables for the gardener’s own family.

– Covent Garden is the space once occupied by a famous fruit and vegetable market, and is now a huge pedestrian precinct with many and varied commercial outlets.

– Many animals that eat fruit and leaves sometimes eat other parts of plants, for example roots and seeds.

– In general, the Piciformes are insectivorous, though the Capitonidaebarbets and toucans mostly eat fruit and the honeyguides are unique among birds in digesting beeswax.

– For example, we have a bowl of fruit with three apples and one orange.

– The fruit of a legume is found inside a pod that can be split on both sides.

– Its primary foods are fruit and insects.

– The goal in each stage is to fill the Fruit Frame by collecting 30 pieces of fruit.

– Captive bullfrogs are given rodents, small fish, crickets, worms, and fruit flies as food and treats.

– Another fruit very significant in Corsica and in particular in Porto-Vecchio is the chestnut because they are used in many Corsican dishes, for example, it is used to make bread or crepe.

– They ate the fruit not allowed by God, after being talked into it by the devil in the form of a snake.

- Just as with still existing hunters and gatherers, there were many varied "diets" - in different groups -of fruit and vegetables.

- The fruit of the rose is called a hip.
- A nut is a hard-shelled fruit of some plants.

– In that story, God only made one rule for them: They must not eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

– It is much easier to gather fruit with a baby on your hip or back than to hunt a fast-moving animal.

– There is another drink that can be prepared with specially cut dry leaves, very cold water and, optionally, lemon or another fruit juice, called “tereré”.

– The fruit is sent to Canberra, Sydney and to other countries.

– Froot Loops is a many colored, fruit flavored breakfast cereal made by the cereal maker Kellogg’s.

– The Hass avocado is a giant fruit weighing 200 to 300 grams.

– The accuracy of the fruit origin has been questioned.

– The skin of the fruit is thin and tough; it is not eaten because is too bitter.

– Copra is the dried inside of coconuts, the fruit of the coconut palm.

– Babies do not have toothteeth and cannot chew their food, so they are usually fed soft, runny food such as cooked mashed fruit or vegetables.

– Satan told her that God knew that Eve would become self-aware and have the same knowledge as God had if she ate from the fruit of the tree.

– This fruit is very famous for its freshness and the vitamins which it brings.

– Today, most Bourbon vanilla and vanilla fruit is produced in Indonesia.

– The fruit is also called the ‘pineapple guava’ or ‘guavasteen’.

– The black cumin fruit has numerous seeds which are used as spice, sometimes as a replacement for original black cumin “Bunium bulbocastanum”.

– The acorn is the fruit of the oak tree.

– It is known for its edible fruit of the same name.

– Zaiger’s Genetics gives fruit tours to commercial growers every Wednesday.

– This fruit is preferred by bartenders to mix cocktails.

– Slices of fruit or cake are put in a pot of warm, liquid chocolate.

– The fruit is also used in many types of soft drink.

– The name comes from the fruit called a plum.

– It has a black-purple fruit about the size of a grape called a “euterpe”.

– This includes an eagle owl, vampire bats, and giant fruit bats.

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