“inherit” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “inherit”:

– George V was disappointed by Edward’s failure to settle down in life and was furious with his many affairs with married women, and was reluctant to see him inherit the Crown.

– Her third son became Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies, while his elder brother Infante Charles was groomed in Spain to inherit the Spanish crown.

– We all inherit two copies of the hemoglobin beta gene.

– You could create a Ferrari class which would inherit from Car, and also make a Toyota class which would also inherit from Car.

– Also, we inherit various genetic conditions which have effect later in life, like Huntington’s chorea.

inherit - sentence examples
inherit – sentence examples

Example sentences of “inherit”:

- The second duke had no male heirs to inherit the title, so the territory was taken back by Saxe-Weimar when the second duke died in 1690.

- Their offspring inherit the resistance, creating a new population of resistant bacteria.
- In the end, de Wert was given a third of her possessions, and he was given the right to let his children inherit the money.

– The second duke had no male heirs to inherit the title, so the territory was taken back by Saxe-Weimar when the second duke died in 1690.

– Their offspring inherit the resistance, creating a new population of resistant bacteria.

– In the end, de Wert was given a third of her possessions, and he was given the right to let his children inherit the money.

– The real Anastasia, if she were alive, would inherit millions of pounds which had been left in an English bank by the Tsar.

– All other chromosomes in these organisms are diploid, but organisms may inherit one or two X chromosomes.

– The difference between early heirs and spares and the modern practice is that today a female can inherit the throne.

– On the 5th of February in 2018, a Senate committee determined that transgender people could inherit property without being required to have their gender decided by a medical board.

– The next year John of Gaunt died, and Richard would not allow Henry to inherit Gaunt’s land.

– Clay will have a son, who would then inherit Sir Walter’s land.

– After Iroh’s son dies from the war in Ba Sing Se, Ozai claims that he should inherit the throne instead of his older brother, stating that because Iroh no longer has a son, the bloodline of Fire Lords would end with him.

– This can mean many things because you can inherit your body type, shape, and hormonal function from your parents.

– Although daughters and sons inherit the right to bear arms for themselves personally, the right passes only through the male line: hence, a son transmits the arms to his children, but a daughter, can use them herself, but her children cannot.

– He says that he is already bringing up a daughter of Caroline, and that she will inherit his money.

– If no Default has been set, it will inherit the value set by the ‘master parameter set’,.

– Anna wanted her husband to inherit the throne.

– If humans share a common evolutionary history with the other animals, it is likely that we inherit mental traits from our evolution.

– When the Founders wrote “no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted” they meant: “No heirs may be punished, and Congress can make the traitor forfeit their property, but only during their lifetime.” Their heirs would have to be able to inherit their property when the traitor died.

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