Some example sentences of “Other than”

How to use in-sentence of “Other than”:

– However, it can also encode locations on natural satellites, dwarf planets, and planets other than Earth.

– I can’t really say anything other than what Kennedy has pointed out in his nomination statement – except to add that in the three years since I last had the tools I’ve come to realise that life really is too short to care about many of the things that I previously got ‘worked up’ about.

– In recent decades better telescopes have found planets in solar systems other than our own, which are known as exoplanets.

– The network has also shown games or events other than sports, such as poker.

– There’s no limit to the number of parameters that you can use, other than what the servers and MediaWiki system can handle.

– Before 1905, some Zionist leaders were thinking about making places for Jews to call home other than Palestine.

– Several Prime Ministers belonged to parties other than those given and represented other electorates before and after their time in office.

– Do we want to change the template to use these categories, or can we get rid of the categories? If we’re keeping them, I’d like to add them to some category other than :Category:Hidden categories.

Some example sentences of Other than
Some example sentences of Other than

Example sentences of “Other than”:

- There are also artificial satellites orbiting something other than the Earth.

- Something other than Eastern European tennis players, I've spent a few hours today taking the article from 3Kb to 15Kb, added plenty of references, some images and a heap more text.
- On any pages other than file and category pages the code above will render nothing.

– There are also artificial satellites orbiting something other than the Earth.

– Something other than Eastern European tennis players, I’ve spent a few hours today taking the article from 3Kb to 15Kb, added plenty of references, some images and a heap more text.

– On any pages other than file and category pages the code above will render nothing.

– Babbo has no memory of who he is other than his name and becomes Ginta’s friend.

– According to legend he died in the arms of none other than Claude Levi-Strauss.

– It is used as a different way to get to Dover, other than the M20.

– Blaze had never known a politician who went to a show bar for any reason other than to cause the dancers trouble.

– Furthermore, other than mixing Samul nori with modern performances, some Korean people try to create new performance inspired by Samul nori.

– This was the first time that any type of sexual abuse, other than rape, was included as a crime against humanity.

– You can specify a default value if yesno receives input other than that listed above.

– So, in Commonwealth countries other than the United Kingdom, the ministers responsible for handling relations with both Commonwealth and non-Commonwealth countries were formerly usually designated ministers for ‘External Affairs’.

– Tag categories with to inform editors that they should not contain anything other than subcategories.

– Ford made the Model T easy to drive compared to today’s cars since the people to whom he sold his cars did not know how to drive anything other than a horse.

– Martians, other than human beings transplanted to Mars, became rare in fiction after Mariner, except in exercises of deliberate nostalgia ndash; more frequently in some genres, such as comics and animation, than in written literature.

– The ghosts can’t be seen by anyone in the house other than by the daughter Lydia, with whom they become friends.

– Some Esperanto speakers like Esperanto for reasons other than its use as a universal second language.

– This is why modern psychologists have gradually figured out many other ways of helping their patients and modified their techniques through methods other than psychotherapy.

– A tergum is the Anatomical_terms_of_location#Dorsal_and_ventraldorsal portion of an arthropod segment other than the head.

More in-sentence examples of “Other than”:

– As a member of the crew of Soyuz 38, he became the first Cuban citizen, the first Latin American, and the first person from a country in the Western Hemisphere other than the United States to travel into Earth orbit.

– Neither House may meet in any place other than that designated for both Houses, without the consent of the other House.

– III prostatitis may have no initial trigger other than anxiety, often with an element of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or other anxiety-spectrum problem.

– Programs such as WordPerfect and WordStar were still mainly text-based and offered little in the way of page layout, other than perhaps margins and line spacing.

– He said: “The film is an unquestionably pornographic fantasy barely trying to pass as something other than masturbation material.

– He was one of the few supercentenarians known for reasons other than longevity.

– Vegetarian or vegan sausages are often made of products other than animal products, such as tofu.

– Torres has been presented as Portuguese, without any evidence other than his name.

– He’s also influenced by musicians other than hard music like “Bohren der Club of Gore” and “Klause Schulze”.

– Harley Race, one of the great wrestlers of all time, was inducted during a time when WWE began to think about wrestlers who had more success in places other than WWE.

– There is no information on these articles about attempted syntheses or any particular properties, other than the general properties of their chemical group and period.

– This article meets the WP:QD#A2 because they have no content other than a link.

– Sorry, I was on wikibreak far away from thew net; A “Talk header” in the style of “This is the talk page of foo,..” Only makes sense for very big talk pages, which change very often; we do not have them Other than the generalised WP:ST, and WP:AN; And talk pages that only consist of said header kinda look silly.

– The prime numbers are the numbers other than 1 which are “not” equal to.

– Brummell said of himself “I have no talents other than to dress; my genius is in the wearing of clothes”.

– The game is not a normal action-adventure type of game because there are no towns or dungeons to explore, no characters to talk to, and no enemies to destroy other than the colossi.

– Informal fallacies are arguments that are fallacious for reasons other than structural flaws.

– Eleven other Muslim men were also arrested, other than Bouyeri.

– There is no proof to the claim that it stems from a country other than India.

– Hard words are 3-syllable words other than proper nouns, inflected verbs of three syllables, and easily understood compound words.

– They are also not related to the rat, other than also being a rodent.

– It is also the only air force other than the United States Air Force who use modern strategic bombers.

– Some trails are off-limits to everyone other than hikinghikers, and few trails allow motorized vehicles.

– It applies to a married person sleeping with someone other than the person who they are married to.

– Its not recommended to shop there other than to buy paintings as the same Item in Tom Nooks will usually be cheaper than at Crazy Redds.

– Katakana is usually used for loanwords from languages other than Chinese, onomatopoeia, and for extra emphasis.

- As a member of the crew of Soyuz 38, he became the first Cuban citizen, the first Latin American, and the first person from a country in the Western Hemisphere other than the United States to travel into Earth orbit.

- Neither House may meet in any place other than that designated for both Houses, without the consent of the other House.

– Logistic regression is an alternative method to use other than the simpler linear regression.

– The stadium has also been used for events other than sports.

– Some grids were determined by methods other than time.

– Very little information other than commercial sales and free download sites.

– Please include third-party sources other than the obituary.

– It remains to be seen if such plans have any merit other than as political ways to draw attention to the way capitalism itself interacts with life.

– For example, in the United Kingdom a third party is a national political party other than the Conservative Party and Labour Party that has a presence in the House of Commons.

– This template is meant to be used for all map object types other than point and is especially meant for using the automatic map positioning and automatic map zoom.

– There are also castes in countries other than India as the system spread to South Asia about 2000 years ago.

– If deceleration on arrival is desired and cannot be achieved by any means other than the engines of the ship, then the required energy at least doubles, because the energy needed to halt the ship equals the energy needed to accelerate it to travel speed.

– X-ray crystallography of DNA and RNA polymerases show that, other than having a Mg ion at the catalytic site, they are virtually unrelated to each other.

– The DSA resolved not to campaign for any candidate in the 2020 United States presidential election other than Bernie Sanders; however, many members encouraged people to vote for Joe Biden, even though he was not endorsed.

– Hotlinking can also be used for file types other than images, including documents and videos.

– This hurricane was a “short lived” hurricane it’s probably the only hurricane to last less than a day other than Hurricane Seven.

– In 1975, the Yankee Conference dropped all sports other than football, and over time many schools outside of New England joined the league.

– This term can be used in areas other than weather.

– However, by the time of the second period, even though he had not accepted any new people other than the Bakushin, the fact that Gengo went to Nagasaki meant that he had an informal tour of the training as a subordinate of Yadabori.

– This RfD has been closed as keep, despite the votes being two to delete and one to keep other than the creator of the article and person the article is about.

– Telugu is the only language other than Sanskrit which has the linguistic prakriya called Avadhana, which disappeared in other languages with the passage of time.

– Note that if you want to insert an image elsewhere other than the top of the infobox, or insert other “freeform” data, using a row with just a “data” field allows for that sort of thing.

– Cyprus and Latvia entered songs in languages other than their own or English.

– Chancres can appear in places other than the genitals.

– The tips of all the fins, other than the pelvic fins, are dusky in colour.

– Jarvis Island has no ports or docks, other than a reef the guano miners blew up in order for the cargo boats to be able to drop anchor.

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