“rhyming” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “rhyming”:

+ The lyrics below are metered and rhyming in a poetic style.

+ In his later years in high school, Sean gained a valuable relationship with local Detroit Hip Hop station 102.7 FM; he would show his rhyming skills every week as part of a rap battle contest they held weekly.

+ One type of English variation used is rhyming slang.

+ He got his stage name from rapper Black Walt because of his fast rhyming style.

+ He preferred to write music which did not follow the rhyming rhythm of the verse.

+ In 1831, a lady named Eleanor Mure wrote the story in rhyming verse for her nephew’s fourth birthday.

+ Shel Silverstein and Dr.Seuss wrote rhyming poems for children’s books.

rhyming how to use in sentences
rhyming how to use in sentences

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