“rhetoric” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “rhetoric”:

+ In this he was highly influenced by the Ancient Rhetoric school of the Ming period.

+ Many students of the book believe that Peter was not the author of the letter because it seems been written by someone who had learned rhetoric and philosophy, and had studied the Greek language,Achtemeier, Paul.

+ Thus rhetoric does not always line up with what regimes do in practice.

+ Many historians believe that Cromwell committed an ethnic cleansing against the Irish peopleIrish Catholic people.Norbrook, David.”Writing the English Republic: Poetry, Rhetoric and Politics, 1627–1660″.

+ During the next three years, Aristotle gave Alexander a training in rhetoric and literature, and stimulated his interest in science, medicine, and philosophy, all of which became important in Alexander’s later life.

+ Fumaroli is known for the revival of Rhetoric as field of study of European culture, in a sharp move away from both structuralism and post-modernism.

+ As a result of this, Sorai’s school is also known as the Ancient Rhetoric school today.

+ In 334, he established a school of rhetoric in Bordeaux, which was very popular.

rhetoric - sentence examples
rhetoric – sentence examples

Example sentences of “rhetoric”:

+ Smith, In “Criticism of Political Rhetoric and Disciplinary Integrity”, suggested that the Gettysburg Address was influenced by the speech of Massachusetts United States SenatorSenator Daniel Webster.

+ During Ancient historyAntiquity and the Middle Ages, rhetoric was used for persuasion in public and political arenas, and also in the courts of justice.

+ But he said that “Lincoln’s rhetoric is, instead, deliberately Biblical”.

+ Contrastive rhetorics says that people who share a common language might have different rhetoric styles due the influence of culture and exchanges.

+ This work is thought to have been edited by Li Panlong, who was a founder of the Ancient Rhetoric school.

+ Nonetheless, the very existence of a Bangladesh state is a blow to the rhetoric of Islamic Unity that most Pakistanis and Muslims in general like to crow about.

+ Young men studied rhetoric in order to learn how to instruct and to persuade.

+ Some of the phrases are themselves translations of List of Greek phrasesGreek phrases, as Greek rhetoric and literature were highly regarded in ancient Rome when Latin rhetoric and literature were still maturing.

+ In medieval universities rhetoric was taught as part of the curriculum.

+ Philosophy is an art, but rhetoric is just a skill.

+ As the art of persuasion, the rhetoric continues to be important in present-day public life.Vickers, Brian 1988.

+ Demosthenes learned rhetoric by studying the speeches of previous great orators.

+ Between 1725 and 1727 Konarski learned at the Collegium Nazarenum in Rome, where he became a teacher of rhetoric – the art of good speaking.

+ Smith, In "Criticism of Political Rhetoric and Disciplinary Integrity", suggested that the Gettysburg Address was influenced by the speech of Massachusetts United States SenatorSenator Daniel Webster.

+ During Ancient historyAntiquity and the Middle Ages, rhetoric was used for persuasion in public and political arenas, and also in the courts of justice.

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