“radiocarbon dating” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “radiocarbon dating”:

– He first demonstrated the accuracy of radiocarbon dating by accurately estimating the age of wood from an ancient Egyptian royal barge of which the age was known from historical documents.

– Studies done in 1999 included a radiocarbon dating of the bones: The bones were fouund to be about 39.900 ± 620 years old.

– The place was dated through radiocarbon dating to be at 61,000 BP and 110,000 BP through amino acid racemization.

– Tree rings are used to make radiocarbon dating more accurate.

– The oldest known cave paintings, based on radiocarbon dating of “black from drawings, from torch marks and from the floors”.

– Doctoral thesis, Australian National University, Canberra Radiocarbon dating of pieces of bone from the burial put LM1 between 24,700 and 19,030 years old.

radiocarbon dating in-sentences
radiocarbon dating in-sentences

Example sentences of “radiocarbon dating”:

– In 2009, University of Arizona researchers performed radiocarbon dating on the manuscript’s vellum, which they say was made between 1404 and 1438.

– Archaeologists used radiocarbon dating to find out how old the settlement was.

– Despite this, Lascaux was one of the first sites where radiocarbon dating was used.

- In 2009, University of Arizona researchers performed radiocarbon dating on the manuscript's vellum, which they say was made between 1404 and 1438.

- Archaeologists used radiocarbon dating to find out how old the settlement was.
- Despite this, Lascaux was one of the first sites where radiocarbon dating was used.

– However, new results in radiocarbon dating show that Polynesia and Rapa Nui were settled between 700 to 1,100 AD.

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