“profound” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “profound”:

– Under the aristocratic ideals of the ancien régime, the nationalist spirit of post-revolutionary France, and the mass educational ideals of the Third Republic and modern France, the French have come to have a profound cultural attachment to their literary heritage.

– These ideas are estimated to be from or after the late centuries of the 1st millennium CE, and have survived as Yoga texts such as the “Isvara Gita which Andrew Nicholson – a professor of Hinduism and Indian Intellectual History – states have had “a profound and lasting influence on the development of Hinduism”.

– Augustine” that successfully competed as a pendant with Domenico Ghirlandaio’s “Jerome” on the other side “the head of the saint being expressive of profound thought and quick subtlety”.

– Ludwig Wittgenstein, a 20th-century philosopher, thought Kierkegaard was “by far, the most profound thinker of the nineteenth century”.

– He finds another great friend, Yellowfang, an old, grumpy but very profound medicine cat who was exiled from ShadowClan and later accepted into ThunderClan and taken care of by Firepaw.

– This has profound effects on the plasma concentrations achieved.

profound - sentence examples
profound – sentence examples

Example sentences of “profound”:

– The Mughals in their heyday had a profound and lasting effect on Bengal.

– The Mesoamerican ball game was a team sport with profound religious and cultural significance for the indigenous people of Mexico and Central America.

– Recovery from the most profound mass extinction of all time.

– Every page of her life was a profound ambiguity of social standing.

– It has been stated that “perhaps the institute’s most profound contribution to conservation is the dissemination of information and methods learned in the field.” GCI spreads information in conferences; lectures; books; and online publications, newsletters, video, and audio.

– He has taste, and what is more, the most profound knowledge of composition.” Mozart was in the same Masonic Lodge as Haydn, and he dedicated some of his string quartets to him.

– Most effort is put into finding profound analogies which teach us something worth knowing.

- The Mughals in their heyday had a profound and lasting effect on Bengal.

- The Mesoamerican ball game was a team sport with profound religious and cultural significance for the indigenous people of Mexico and Central America.

– He recalled sitting under a roseapple tree as a boy, and reaching a profound happy peaceful state.

– From 1982 to 1995, during which he led the Mauritian government, Mauritius experienced a profound economic evolution.

– He also received the Royal Society’s Darwin Medal “In recognition of his distinguished contributions to general evolutionary theory, based on a profound study of palaeontology, particularly of vertebrates” in 1962.

– Xian’s profound culture is featured by many kind of traditional festivals, handicrafts and more ethnic flavor.

– It left a profound mark on American history and changed airport security.

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