“precedent” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “precedent”:

+ Judges make judicial decisions based on precedent and their own understanding when there are few or no precedents.

+ Since this is a new process, any result of a deletion discussion will set a precedent for future cases, and as such, will amend any current policy or guideline pertaining to such discussion.

+ Unlike common law systems such as the United States and the United Kingdom, Azerbaijani courts do not rely on case law and judicial precedent and there are no unwritten laws in Azerbaijani law.

+ Only the Seven Years’ War offered a precedent for widespread conflict on such a scale.

+ The second single from the album is “The Kill”, and it follows the success of the precedent single.

+ The precedent set by Fuller’s case remained in place from 1892 until 1976, when Federal Copyright Law extended protection to choreographic works.

+ Generally, memorandum opinions follow ordinary rules, including the application of precedent and the rule of “stare decisis”.

+ The other type of precedent is case law.

precedent example in sentences
precedent example in sentences

Example sentences of “precedent”:

+ This might also give us a precedent for other candidates of casting shows.

+ Similarly, if a Senate thinks a precedent set by the other Senate should be changed precedent of the must ask the “Plenum”.

+ Being the first vice president to assume the presidency, Tyler set a precedent that a vice president who assumes the office of president becomes a fully functioning president who has his own presidency, as opposed to just a caretaker president.

+ With the creation of the creed, a precedent was established for subsequent ‘general to create statements of belief and church law.

+ The Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution put Tyler’s precedent into the Constitution.

+ In extraordinary circumstances a higher court may overturn or overrule mandatory precedent, but will often attempt to distinguish the precedent before overturning it, thereby limiting the scope of the precedent in any event.

+ Persuasive precedent may become binding through the adoption of the persuasive precedent by a higher court.

+ This might also give us a precedent for other candidates of casting shows.

+ Similarly, if a Senate thinks a precedent set by the other Senate should be changed precedent of the must ask the "Plenum".
+ Being the first vice president to assume the presidency, Tyler set a precedent that a vice president who assumes the office of president becomes a fully functioning president who has his own presidency, as opposed to just a caretaker president.

+ Least weight would be given to precedent that stems from dissimilar circumstances, older cases that have since been contradicted, or cases in jurisdictions that have dissimilar law.

+ There was a historical precedent for the referral of this bill.

+ A dissenting opinion does not create binding precedent nor does it become a part of case law.

+ Super-stare decisis is a term used for important precedent that is resistant or immune from being overturned, without regard to whether correctly decided in the first place.

+ This established the precedent of Popes being the final person to decide the rules within the Church.

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