“photosynthetic” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “photosynthetic”:

+ There are many enzymes working in photosynthetic reactions – such as the enzyme in photolysis.

+ Artificial lighting can be used in the dark to maximise the photosynthetic rate.

+ In daylight the photosynthetic activity of these plants produces oxygen which dissolves in the seawater where it is used by marine animals.

+ These creatures can grow to larger sizes because there is more available energy and better water coverage: The water is shallow enough to allow more sunlightlight for photosynthetic activity, and the salinity is at almost normal levels.

+ Chloroplasts evolved following an endosymbiosisendosymbiotic event between an ancestral, photosynthetic phagotroph.

+ Eventually, as photosynthetic organisms generated oxygen, the available iron in the Earth’s oceans was precipitated out as iron oxides.

+ This reaction is how photosynthetic organisms such as plants produce O in Earth’s atmosphere.

photosynthetic - example sentences
photosynthetic – example sentences

Example sentences of “photosynthetic”:

+ The evidence is that free oxygen was first produced by photosynthetic organisms which emitted oxygen as a waste product.

+ In botany, a light curve shows the photosynthetic response of a leaf or algae to the brightness of a light.

+ Most corals get energy and nutrients from symbiosis with photosynthetic unicellular algae called zooxanthellae.

+ Much of the carbon in the peat deposits produced by coal forests came from photosynthetic splitting of carbon dioxide.

+ The vascular plants, or tracheophytes, are plants that have specialized Tissue tissues for conducting water, photosynthetic products through the plant.

+ Chloroflexi is one of four Class classes of photosynthetic bodies.

+ Additionally Chloroflexi have a different method of phototrophy than true photosynthetic bacteria.

+ They may eat other living things, though some are parasitismparasites or have photosynthetic symbionts.

+ These photosynthetic cyanobacteria produce a neurotoxin called BMAA that is found in the seeds of cycads.

+ The reason is that these areas lack one or more crucial nutrients for the photosynthetic plankton, upon whom all the others depend.

+ The Apicomplexa – the phylum to which “Plasmodium” belongs – are thought to have originated within the Dinoflagellates – a large group of photosynthetic protozoa.

+ Some unicellular species use only external energy sources and have limited or no photosynthetic parts.

+ The term covers a range of photosynthetic organisms, and many are not closely related.

+ The ones which are photosynthetic are sometimes loosely called ‘algae’; the one which are predators are sometimes loosely called ‘protozoa’.

+ The evidence is that free oxygen was first produced by photosynthetic organisms which emitted oxygen as a waste product.

+ In botany, a light curve shows the photosynthetic response of a leaf or algae to the brightness of a light.
+ Most corals get energy and nutrients from symbiosis with photosynthetic unicellular algae called zooxanthellae.

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