“paramilitary” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “paramilitary”:

– Both reject the Good Friday Agreement and continue to engage in paramilitary activity.

– There has also been paramilitary groups, such as the English People’s Liberation Army, who fought for independence.

– SWAT officers act as paramilitary units that tackle situations beyond the capability of conventional police forces.

– They said their boss was paramilitary leader Carlos Castaño.

– He said: “Give the French a taste of neo-fascism, race riots and paramilitary crackdowns, and they seek solace in the American cinema’s current favorite pastime – vigorously art-directed torture porn.

– The Provisional Irish Republican Army was an Irish peopleIrish republican paramilitary organisation that wanted to unite Ireland, by using armed force to remove Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom, mainly during The Troubles era.

– During the Bosnian War, Bosnian Serb Police and Army, and Serb’s paramilitary forces destroyed villages upstream along the Vrbanja to Kruševo Brdo, including the villages in Čelinac Municipality.

paramilitary use in-sentences
paramilitary use in-sentences

Example sentences of “paramilitary”:

– Al-Badar was a paramilitary force formed in Bangladesh#HistoryEast Pakistan in 1971 by the national Pakistan Army.

– A paramilitary may also commonly fall under the command of a military, even despite not being part of the military or play an assisting role for the military in times of war.

– Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni Islamist paramilitary organisation.

– It was clear that the UN did not have sufficient resources to fight the paramilitary forces directly.

– He supported the Nationaal-Socialistische BewegingDutch National Socialist Party and allowed it to create a paramilitary “Landwacht”, as an auxiliary police force.

– The Free Wales Army, or the FWA for short, was a Welsh paramilitary organisation that wanted Welsh independenceindependence for Wales from the United Kingdom.

– In September 1933 he formed an umbrella grouping to support the regime, the “Vaterländische Front a Nationalist paramilitary group.

– Later there was a new ceasefire, and there were talks between teams from the British and Irish governments, the Ulster Unionist Party, the SDLP, Sinn Féin and representatives of loyalist paramilitary organizations, under the chairmanship of former United States Senator Mitchell.

– Though a paramilitary is not a military force, it is usually equivalent to a military’s light infantry force in terms of intensity, firepower, and organizational structure.

– The Waffen-SS was a paramilitary organization within the SS.

– Combined with the 302,000 strong Paramilitary forces and the Coast Guard, the Military of Pakistan has a total size of nearly 1,000,000 people.

- Al-Badar was a paramilitary force formed in Bangladesh#HistoryEast Pakistan in 1971 by the national Pakistan Army.

- A paramilitary may also commonly fall under the command of a military, even despite not being part of the military or play an assisting role for the military in times of war.

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