“nubian” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “nubian”:

– The Barbary lion was also called the atlas lion and the nubian lion.

– Since the continent of Africa includes both the African and the Somali plates, some literature refers to the African Plate as the Nubian Plate to distinguish it from the continent as a whole.

– For over half a century, the Nubian pharaohs governed a combined kingdom of Egypt and Nubia, with an empire stretching from the Delta to the upper reaches of the Nile.

– Because one can find there much examples of Nubian culture and burial practices at the site, scholars think that the Egyptian statues and other Egyptian objects found at Kerma arrived through trade.

– There are: colourful tiles, carvings and frescoes, from Egyptian and Nubian settlements and burial sites.

– Saluja Island, which means in Nubian language, while the name Ghazal Island seems to refer to one of the ancient plants that were growing on these islands.

nubian - some sentence examples
nubian – some sentence examples

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