Make sentence of “stiff”

How to use in-sentence of “stiff”:

– Its entire body was built for running; a light-weight, low, aerodynamic posture, long legs and stiff tail for balance.

– A bucking bronco was originally a cowboy term for a horse that jumps about with stiff knees and an arched back.

– Joints will be stiff and painful, and may be swollen.

– They have stiff hairs on each edge.

– Vaned feather have a stiff center, with soft barbs on the side, which seem like hairs.

– These would make the roadway more stiff so it would not move easily.

– Their wings have become stiff and small swimming flippers.

– When the opera was completed, Saint-Saëns met some stiff opposition about staging it in France.

Make sentence of stiff
Make sentence of stiff

Example sentences of “stiff”:

– Woodpeckers are small to medium-sized birds with chisel-like beaks, short legs, stiff tails and long tongues used for capturing insects.

– The name Stevenage may come from an Old English word meaning “place at the stiff oak”.

– They have stiff tail feathers, like woodpeckers, which they use to support themselves on vertical trees.

– The forked leaves are brittle and stiff to the touch in some species, softer in others.

– Often, the biggest graduated cylinders are made of polyethylene or other stiff plastic, making them lighter and less fragile than glass, but more difficult to sterilize.

– This makes the stiff texture needed for meringues.

– Petticoats which are starched, with ruffles, or made with stiff fabric, can support a wider skirt.

– It is used over every other kind of material because it’s lightweight, very strong, very stiff and can easily be moulded into any shape.

– However, they lack the stiff tail feathers that woodpeckers use when climbing trees.

– These stiff hairs are why they are called the “spiny mouse”.

- Woodpeckers are small to medium-sized birds with chisel-like beaks, short legs, stiff tails and long tongues used for capturing insects.

- The name Stevenage may come from an Old English word meaning "place at the stiff oak".

– It faced stiff competition from other networks, and left the air after two seasons.

– When most materials reach a temperature called the freezing point, the molecules form a crystalline solid – although some materials do not crystallise at all but form super stiff fluids, which seem to be solid.

– But in sickle patients all cells very quickly become stiff and thus keep clogging up the spleen.

– The term refers to the stiff tail which was held above the ground as a counterweight when the animal walked or ran.

– A lifeboat, also known as a liferaft, is a small, stiff or inflatable boat carried for emergencyemergencies in the event of a disaster on a ship.

– A bristle is a stiff hair or feather.

– He released two more albums, “Flex on Stiff Records.

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