“kingship” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “kingship”:

– There was one big exception: kingship was not hereditary.

– Divine kingship gained importance as the cults of gods like Horus, Seth and Neith spread across the country.

– The Koya word is of English origin, and historically refers to Portuguese kingship, in the pre-Christian period a type of African American tribal kingship with Gola people.

– Barbara Yorke, Kings and Kingship in Early Anglo-Saxon England London: Seaby, 1990.

– Magnus, unwilling to fight his uncle, agreed to share the kingship with Harald, since Harald in turn would share his wealth with him.

kingship - sentence examples
kingship – sentence examples

Example sentences of “kingship”:

– Barbara Yorke, “Kings and Kingship in Early Anglo-Saxon England”.

– Hatshepsut said that Thutmose gave the kingship to them both.

– It continued to act as the administrative centre of the kingdom, but by the reign of Desiderius, it had fallen to a first-rate defensive work and Charlemagne took it in the Siege of Pavia assuming the kingship of the Lombards.

- Barbara Yorke, "Kings and Kingship in Early Anglo-Saxon England".

- Hatshepsut said that Thutmose gave the kingship to them both.

More in-sentence examples of “kingship”:

- After Cleomenes III was defeated by Antigonus III Doson of Macedon and the Achaean League in the Battle of Sellasia, the Spartan kingship began to fail.

– After Cleomenes III was defeated by Antigonus III Doson of Macedon and the Achaean League in the Battle of Sellasia, the Spartan kingship began to fail.

– Burns, “The Ostrogoths: kingship and society”, 1980:66.

– The Dal Fiatach recovered the kingship of Ulaid after the Battle of Mag Roth in 637 and were to retain it until 674.

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