“irony” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “irony”:

– He argued that Austen did not support society’s customs, and that her irony was not funny but bitter.

– Berners’s music is full of Romantic feeling, irony and parody.

– They released their first album, “Original Pirate Material”, in 2002, The album’s singles were “Has It Come To This”, “Let’s Push Things Forward”, “Don’t Mug Yourself”, “The Irony Of It All” and “Weak Become Heroes.

– He uses irony by mentioning the lion as an Assyrian symbol of power; Nineveh is the strong lion with a den full of dead prey but will become weak like the lion hiding in its den.

– He began two interpretative themes: using humor to criticize society and irony as a means of moral study.

– During 1968, Paulsen began a pretend “campaign” for President, and used the campaign to show the humor and irony in American politics.

irony use in sentences
irony use in sentences

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