In sentence examples of “tribunal”

How to use in-sentence of “tribunal”:

+ The tribunal recommended that there be an urgent review of Garda command structures, and that the ERU be with stun guns and other non-lethal options, including “non-compliant firearms support police dogs”.

+ The October 2020 Polish protests began in Poland on 22 October 2020 over the rulings of the Constitutional Tribunal illegalizing abortions.

+ This led to a Garda inquiry, and later a Tribunal of Inquiry chaired by Mr Justice Robert Barr.

+ The International Military Tribunal was opened on October 18, 1945, in the Supreme Court Building in Berlin.

+ In 1995, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia indictmentindicted Karadžić for committing war crimes against non-Serbs.

In sentence examples of tribunal
In sentence examples of tribunal

Example sentences of “tribunal”:

+ The twelve US trials in front of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal took place from December 9, 1946 to April 13, 1949.

+ Between 1945 and 1946, German officials involved in the Holocaust and other war crimes were taken in front of the International Military Tribunal in the Nuremberg Trials.

+ For example, in 1993, the United Nations set up an International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

+ The fall-out form the Morris Tribunal was considerable.

+ Skorzeny was tried by an American military tribunal in 1947 at the Dachau Trials for violating the laws of war from his leadership of Operation Greif, but was acquitted.

+ The Barr tribunal also recommended a formal working arrangement between Gardaí and State psychologists, and improvements in Garda training.

+ Britain and Venezuela accepted the decision of the Tribunal in 1899.

+ After the end of World War II Auerswald was charged by an US-military tribunal in Dachau.

+ After his fall from power in 2001, he was taken to The Netherlands to stand trial at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, but died after five years in prison before the case could reach a conclusion.

+ The twelve US trials in front of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal took place from December 9, 1946 to April 13, 1949.

+ Between 1945 and 1946, German officials involved in the Holocaust and other war crimes were taken in front of the International Military Tribunal in the Nuremberg Trials.

+ The tribunal sentenced him and his wife to death.

+ In addition to those who have experienced this, among other things, bears witness to the indictment against Radovan Karadžić to ICTY tribunal in The Hague.

+ The Krasnodar tribunal pronounced eight death sentences, which were summarily conducted in the city square in front of a crowd of about thirty thousand people.

+ The Soviet Union suffered 19 million civilian deaths during the war, and wanted the death penalty for all of the prisoners at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg.

+ Joan was tried by a French inquisitorial tribunal under English control.

+ From this point onwards, the boundary is unambiguously fixed as defined by the Tribunal Award of 1968.

+ It was said by the UN tribunal that Milosevic, who had chronic heart problems and a high blood pressure, died of a heart attack.

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