How to use the word “harpsichord”

How to use in-sentence of “harpsichord”:

– He was said to be one of the greatest harpsichord players of his time.

– John Keillor writes, “The work is sublime and compassionate, graceful, warm, and relentlessly intricate, a demonstration of unmatched craft in music history and genuine, poetic imagination.” In modern times, the work is played on both the harpsichord and the piano.

– The advantage of a spinet was that it was cheaper than a harpsichord and it also took up less room.

– When she married she took Scarlatti, her harpsichord teacher, with her to Madrid in Spain where he spent the rest of his life.

– They were written to be played on the harpsichord or clavichord.

– The spinet is different from a harpsichord because of the angle of the strings which run at an angle to the right.

How to use the word harpsichord
How to use the word harpsichord

Example sentences of “harpsichord”:

– He wrote many suite suites for harpsichord and chamber music and vocal music.

– Some of the most famous composers of harpsichord music are William Byrd.

– They played duets on the harpsichord together.

– He was the son of Johann Sebastian Bach, who taught him to play the harpsichord and organ.

– He played the cello, oboe, harpsichord and organ.

– Lewis was the first pianist who played on the celeste and the harpsichord in jazz and boogie records.

– In European classical music the lute was changed into the harpsichord and the mandolin.

– In 1746 he found himself in Rotterdam without money, after a tour had ended in the death of a young girl harpsichord player.

– He gave harpsichord lessons to the Infanta Maria Barbara at the Royal Court in Lisbon in Portugal.

– He started playing the harpsichord and the organ when he was very young.

– He learned the organ, harpsichord and violin as well as composition composition, harmony.

– He played the lute, harpsichord and guitar.

– The keyboard instrument was normally a harpsichord but could also be an organ, such as a small portative instrument.

– Gustav Leonhardt studied organ and harpsichord at the Schola Cantorum in Basel.

– His father, also called Thomas Linley the elderThomas Linley, was a composer, singing teacher and harpsichord player.

– At the beginning of his career the harpsichord was not yet a popular instrument and music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods was usually played in the same way as music from later centuries.

- He wrote many suite suites for harpsichord and chamber music and vocal music.

- Some of the most famous composers of harpsichord music are William Byrd.

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