“degradation” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “degradation”:

+ Wear, along with other aging processes such as fatigue, creep, and Material fracturefracture toughness, causes progressive degradation of materials with time leading to failure of material at an advanced age.

+ It is currently not considered as endangered, but the virus and the degradation of its habitat pose a serious threat to some populations.

+ Its central theme was to remove the degraded status imposed on Dravidians, and to denote this, the party adopted a black flag with a red circle inside it, the black signifying their degradation and the red denoting the movement for upliftment.It opposed Brahminical social, political and ritual dominance, and aimed to form a separate country of Dravida Nadu, to include either all of South India or the predominantly Tamil-speaking regions.

+ Fusilier Kinne was during the course of his periods of solitary confinement kept in no less than seven different places of imprisonment, including a security police gaol, under conditions of the most extreme degradation and increasing brutality.

+ Memory leaks may result in several issues such as degradation of performance and systems being unresponsive.

degradation some ways to use
degradation some ways to use

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