“contrary” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “contrary”:

+ The original mother cat that the breed was created from was involved in a car accident, but contrary to popular belief, this is not why the breed goes limp when picked up.

+ Please all see – if there’s no input in the next few days to the contrary of the consensus formed i’ll implement a change.

+ Such use is contrary to WP:EGG, and is likely to confuse readers.

+ They have acted contrary to the ideals of humanity and justice.

+ Bach also wrote a work called the “Musical Offering” which has what he calls a “canon per augmentationem contrario motu” canon in augmentation and contrary motion i.e.

+ Also, contrary to a nationalist, patriots do not favor imperialism, while nationalists tend to favor imperialism.

+ In the same way, savate uses different colours in the gloves in order to show the level of a fighter; although, on the contrary that disciplines as the judo or the capoeira, where the fighters obtain new belts in each promotion, every fighter can use the same pair of gloves in several promotions.

contrary use in sentences
contrary use in sentences

Example sentences of “contrary”:

+ For publishing beliefs contrary to Roman Catholic dogma about transubstantiation, trinity and other matters, he was burnt at the stake as a Heresyheretic by the Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church.

+ The 68th General Assembly declared that women serving in combat positions in the military is contrary to the Bible.

+ The contrary view is that the social world is not our only concern.

+ In their view, sexual inequality was contrary to the laws of nature.

+ The Ilinden–Preobrazhenie Uprising was an uprising by mostly Bulgarian “”However, contrary to the impression of researchers who believe that the Internal organization espoused a “Macedonian national consciousness” the local revolutionaries declared their conviction that the “majority” of the Christian population of Macedonia is “Bulgarian.” They clearly rejected possible allegations of what they call “national separatism” vis-a-vis the Bulgarians, and even consider it “immoral.” Though they declared an equal attitude towards all the “Macedonian populations.”” Tschavdar Marinov, We the Macedonians, The Paths of Macedonian Supra-Nationalism, in “We, the People: Politics of National Peculiarity in Southeastern Europe” with

+ The most important parts of the numerical methotrexate, contrary to the inspection method, it gives the answer.

+ This is a paradox because it is contrary to intuition.

+ On contrary with Satyricon where Satyr writes the lyrics, Frost has provided 1349 also with some of his writing expressions.

+ However, contrary to the audience’s expectation, romance between flower girl and Professor Higgins doesn’t happen.

+ For publishing beliefs contrary to Roman Catholic dogma about transubstantiation, trinity and other matters, he was burnt at the stake as a Heresyheretic by the Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church.

+ The 68th General Assembly declared that women serving in combat positions in the military is contrary to the Bible.

+ The unauthorized acquisition, use, or disclosure of such secret information in a manner contrary to honest commercial practices by others is regarded as an unfair practice and a violation of the trade secret protection.

+ I think the topic is contrary to what should be on wiki.

+ In a 2009 BBC interview, Mohammed Yusuf, the group’s leader at the time, said he rejects the fact that Flat Earththe earth is a sphere and views it as contrary to Islam, along with evaporated by the sun.

+ After some previous warnings in September and November 1994 on March 17, 1995, the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, signed the law of Ukraine that repeals the amended Constitution of Crimea and some other laws of the Republic of Crimea, because they were contrary to the Constitution of Ukraine and jeopardized the sovereignty of Ukraine.

+ One of the most common is that some claims made by a fundamentalist group cannot be proven, and are irrational, demonstrably false, or contrary to scientific evidence.

+ The cold waters create an inversion: the air near the ocean surface is cooler than the air above, contrary to most climatic situations.

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