“allegory” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “allegory”:

+ It is an allegory of the human situation and the mystery of life.

+ For instance, many people have suggested that “The Lord of the Rings” was an allegory for the World Wars, but, in fact, it was written well before the outbreak of World War II, and J.R.R.

+ The story is an allegory about a man called Christian, who goes on a journey, and meets many strange people.

+ One rare appearance, on the “Smothers BrothersSmothers Brothers Comedy Hour”, was because the song he played, “Waist Deep In The Big Muddy”, was an allegory against the Vietnam War, which most Americans supported at the time.

+ He describes the state of enlightenment using the allegory of Padmakumara, whom he identifies with Amitabha Buddha and his own enlightened self.

allegory - sentence examples
allegory – sentence examples

Example sentences of “allegory”:

+ An allegory is a term for a figure of speech.

+ Phoenix in European culture is often an allegory of immortality and eternal life.

+ The story is therefore an allegory of the life of a good Christian.

+ To be precise, it is an allegory of the Protestant view of Christianity.

+ Its central salon ceiling was decorated by Pietro da Cortona with the visual panegyric of the Allegory of Divine Providence and Barberini Power Allegory of Divine Providence and Barberini Power to glorify the papal Barberini family.

+ A fable or wiktionary:parableparable is a short allegory with one basic idea.

+ At the top of the Hill of Difficulty, Christian stops at the House Beautiful, which is an allegory of the local Christian congregation.

+ She notes that it has been viewed as an allegory about arranged marriages.

+ Allegory is an example of rhetoric, but an allegory does not have to be a story in language.

+ An allegory is a term for a figure of speech.

+ Phoenix in European culture is often an allegory of immortality and eternal life.
+ The story is therefore an allegory of the life of a good Christian.

+ The poem is an allegory about the struggle to lead a virtuous Christian life when the institution of the Church is often corrupt.

+ Allegorical artworks include Sandro Botticelli’s “La Primavera ” and Jan Vermeer’s “The Allegory of Painting”.

+ The difficulties faced by “Christian”, the main character, is meant to be an allegory of the difficulties faced by a true Christian in keeping to the ‘straight and narrow path’.

+ Miller intended “The Crucible” as an allegory to McCarthyism.

+ Plato considered that only the mind could access the timeless reality of truths, the realm of the Forms casting the visible world.Norriss S Heterhington, “Cosmology: Historical, Literary, Philosophical, Religious, and Scientific Perspectives Plato’s metaphorical allegory of the cave—whereby humans only know reality as shadows of the real things they see interacting on a wall—suggests the practical consequences of Platonic realism as to “natural philosophy” in its endeavor to explain the natural world and as to values in human society.

+ It represents a concept — for example, a moral truth, or an allegory — or a person, such as a king or saint.

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