“admit” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “admit”:

– UCL was also the first admit women on equal terms with men.

– Hard to tell why, unless you admit a total unfairness is applied.

– Countries must admit the right of person with disabilities to work in just, good, safe and healthy condition and do policy that forbid all discrimination and disability bullyingbullying because of disability, and further must promote chance for person with disabilities to do self-work, entrepreneur and start one’s own business.

– Countries must admit that person with disabilities have the rights to take part in political and public life, also rights to be elected.

– Instead of leaving for London, Holmes and Watson confront Laura Lyons who is forced to admit that Stapleton had promised marriage to her.

– This meant they could not use the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, because they could not admit that East Germany was a foreign country.

– But the army did not want to admit that it had been wrong.

– Goldie and Scrooge fall in love but they not admit it to each other.

admit - sentence examples
admit – sentence examples

Example sentences of “admit”:

- Rural schools do not have Nursery or Kindergarten; they admit straight at Class I when the child is six.

- In the end Clinton had to admit that sexual activity of some kind took place between them.
- With this treaty, the Afghans agreed to admit a British representative to Kabul.

– Rural schools do not have Nursery or Kindergarten; they admit straight at Class I when the child is six.

– In the end Clinton had to admit that sexual activity of some kind took place between them.

– With this treaty, the Afghans agreed to admit a British representative to Kabul.

– Often, movies or television shows that use body doubles do not admit that a body double model was used.

– He told “USA Today” “I admit I was carried away by prejudice.

– He wanted to admit women.

– I’ll admit that it took me some time to warm up to the ‘new kids’ on “Friday Night Lights”, which ends its run tomorrow on NBC, but it was a well-done transition.

– I have to admit that I feel rather conflicted about the series of edits; new contributions.

– It has a large stable yard and an arched entrance high and wide enough to admit coaches.

– They defeat the invaders, and Tauriel uses her knowledge of herbs to heal Kíli’s wound, saving his life once again, after which they admit that they have developed a bond with one another.

– Now, I’ll admit I’ve done a few things wrong.

– Also, there was a bill in passage through the House to admit Maine as a free state.

– I admit my simplifying is not the most perfect, but I’d like to see if there are any more concerns I can fix about it now or if it is ready.

– I don’t ever claim to be perfect, admit I’ve made a few mistakes in policy before, just that I “have a clue” and could use admin to benefit the wiki in a way it seems to require.

– However, I will admit that as a complete opinion.

– Black operations are secret and whoever does them does not admit that they ever happened.

– He perfectly acquitted himself with some important commissions I gave him and appears to me entitled to every reward his situation can admit of.” -Lafayette.

– To you repent you must- Admit to God that you are a sinner.

– Hitler refused to admit defeat until Soviet artillery was falling around his Berlin bunker.

– Becky falls in love with Jesse, but she doesn’t want to admit her feelings.

More in-sentence examples of “admit”:

– He did admit grave robbing.

– Clinton did not admit his affair until the annual White House prayer on September 11, 1998, in the presence of several ministers, priests and his wife, Hillary Clinton, in his “I have sinned” speech.

– Elin soon discovers that she is attracted to Agnes but is afraid to admit it.

– Today, all of the major tobacco companies admit that cigarettes are harmful to health.

– Crats remaining duties to approve Bot’s I will admit will be my weakest part.

– In 2008, he was fired because of complaints that he forced an arrested chef to admit drug trafficking that he had never done.

– It also gives perpetrators the chance to admit what they did, which gives victims a chance to learn what happened to their loved ones.

– Countries must admit that persons with disabilities have the right to take part in cultural life and enjoy recreation, leisure and sports without discrimination and with reasonable support.

– In fact, 66% of Americans admit to thinking badly about Muslims.

– I’ll hold my hands up and freely admit there was a fair amount of disruption by me to this project for which I am truely sorry.

– Secret Service Uniformed Division Officers would not admit him on to the grounds.

– When she frames Joseph for rape, Potiphar realizes that she is lying but refused to admit it because of what believing a slave over his wife would say about his honor and Joseph is sent to jail.

– Shrek and Fiona admit their love for each other and share a kiss; Fiona is bathed in light as her curse is broken, but is surprised to find that she has remained an ogress, as she “thought was supposed to be beautiful”, to which Shrek replies that she is beautiful.

– Kennedy decided to pre-empt the broadcast and admit his drinking problem openly.

– In nearly two-thirds of American mosques, women pray behind partitions or in separate areas, not in the main prayer hall; some mosques do not admit women at all.

– A windchest is a box-like device which contains pallets that are opened and closed to admit air to a pipe so that it sounds.

– Some punctuation marks admit significant variations with several distinct Unicode code points.

– Do you expect to use OS “relatively” frequently or are you generally just asking for the occasions when it comes up? I must admit I have a tendency to be harsher on the “inactivity” side of things then most people in WMF so I should probably say this is all with a grain of salt but.

– Curie knew that the element she discovered might have been causing the symptoms, but she did not want to admit it to herself or others.

– Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter thought of the show as an, “easy thumbs up show”, he would also said, “I will admit to be bored through some of the early parts of it.

– A young man does not expect to become deaf, but now he was starting to admit it to himself.

– Later Dyer’s himself was to admit that the crowd was not given any warning to leave.

– I admit that I have not always seen eye to eye with staff here, but that is changing and I find myself less at odds with others.

– Bob, Gage, and Mobray admit that they are part of Domergue’s gang.

– Chandler, who was a dentist, was made to admit that he gave his son a barbiturate called sodium amytal to take out his tooth in August 1993.

– Countries must admit that person with disability have the right to an adequate standard of living including right to housing without discrimination and must give Social Securitysocial protection or financial aid for person in poverty.

– In 1245 Prince Danylo of Halych had to admit his dependence on the Golden Horde.

– In 1845, the United States Congress voted to admit Texas as a slave state, which made it the country’s 28th state.

– In the interest of full disclosure: on the negative side: I must admit though that I am “not” exceptionally computer savvy.

– If there are not two witnesses, then the person must admit in court that they committed treason.

– I’ll admit there is occasional incivility, but it’s only in a few cases.

– He has done so, and even changed his user page to admit he is a sock puppet.

– In the film, former IJA soldiers admit that they often raped Chinese women and massacred Chinese civilians.

– Charles Darwin explained that this followed naturally if “we admit the common parentage of allied forms, together with their modification through variation and natural selection”.Darwin, Charles 1884.

– As part of the plea bargain, DeAngelo was also required to admit to many crimes he had not been formally charged with, including rapes.

– After World War II, it took a long time for countries to admit that Nazi Germany had committed a genocide against the Roma people.

– In Quebec there is one person on five that admit texting and driving at the same time.

– Countries must admit that persons with disabilities have the rights to enjoy the highest possible standard of health without discrimination and with informed consent.

– This paranoia increases as the officers seem to pay no attention to the sound, which is loud enough for the narrator to admit having heard.

– In 1878 the University became the first university in the UK to admit women on equal terms with men.

– I admit that the recent debacle regarding flood flag was blown out of proportion – and that I am partly to blame – and I think now that the guidelines around this tool have been made clearer such an incident won’t happen again.

– In the end, his guilt makes him admit the crime.

– She loves Ivan, but does not admit it, even to herself, until the end of the novel.

– In the abstract they admit that slavery is an evil, they disclaim it, and cast it all upon the shoulder of…Great Britain.

– Simon did not admit that he had used Carthy’s version.

– Stalin refused to admit that he ordered the killings.

– I will readily admit that XKCD brought me permanently to this project, that was not prime motivation.

– Later, Haley would also admit that he copied parts of his book from a 1967 book called “The African”.

– Countries must admit that persons with disabilities have the right to inclusive education without discrimination and with equal chance, also education for adult and lifelong learning.

– I admit there are still a few things that need doing, including red link creation, further simplification and copy-editing, but this will be completed during this discussion time as will any other issues that are raised.

- He did admit grave robbing.

- Clinton did not admit his affair until the annual White House prayer on September 11, 1998, in the presence of several ministers, priests and his wife, Hillary Clinton, in his "I have sinned" speech.
- Elin soon discovers that she is attracted to Agnes but is afraid to admit it.

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