Up With the Lark Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Up With the Lark Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Introduction to ‘Up With the Chickens’

Hello, English learners! Today, we’re going to delve into the fascinating world of idiomatic expressions. Our focus for this lesson is the idiom ‘Up With the Chickens’.

The Literal vs. Figurative Meaning

As with many idioms, ‘Up With the Chickens’ has a literal and a figurative meaning. Literally, it refers to waking up early, at the same time as chickens. Figuratively, it signifies starting one’s day early or being an early riser.

Example Sentences

Let’s now explore some example sentences to better understand the usage of this idiom. 1. ‘She’s always up with the chickens, ready to seize the day.’ 2. ‘If you want to be productive, it’s important to be up with the chickens.’ 3. ‘Being up with the chickens allows you to enjoy the serene morning hours.’

Variations and Similar Idioms

While ‘Up With the Chickens’ is a commonly used idiom, there are variations in different cultures. For instance, in some regions, it’s ‘Up With the Larks’ or ‘Up With the Crows’. These idioms convey the same idea of waking up early. Another related idiom is ‘The Early Bird Catches the Worm’, which emphasizes the advantage of starting one’s day early.


Idioms like ‘Up With the Chickens’ add color and depth to a language. By understanding their meanings and usage, you can enhance your communication skills. So, the next time you come across this idiom, you’ll know exactly what it signifies. Happy learning, and see you in the next lesson!