the Ball Is in Someone’s Court Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

the Ball Is in Someone’s Court Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Introduction to the Idiom

Hello, English learners! Today, we’re going to delve into the fascinating world of idioms. Specifically, we’ll be exploring the idiom ‘The Ball Is in Someone’s Court.’ You’ve probably heard this phrase before, but do you know what it really means? Let’s find out!

The Literal vs. Figurative Meaning

At first glance, the idiom may seem sports-related. After all, it mentions a ball and a court. However, in this case, the words have taken on a figurative meaning. ‘The Ball Is in Someone’s Court’ is used to describe a situation where it’s someone’s turn or responsibility to take action or make a decision.

Example Sentences

To better understand the idiom, let’s look at a few example sentences. Imagine you’re working on a group project, and it’s your turn to contribute. You could say, ‘The ball is in my court now. I’ll start researching.’ This shows that you’re taking on the responsibility. Similarly, if you’re waiting for a response to an important email, you might say, ‘I’ve done my part. Now the ball is in their court.’ Here, you’re indicating that it’s the other person’s turn to take action.

The Idiom in Everyday Conversations

You’ll often hear this idiom in both formal and informal settings. It’s commonly used in business contexts, negotiations, and even personal relationships. By using this expression, you can convey that the next move or decision lies with someone else, emphasizing their role in the situation.

Variations of the Idiom

Like many idioms, ‘The Ball Is in Someone’s Court’ has variations. For instance, instead of ‘ball,’ you might hear ‘ballgame’ or ‘court’ being replaced with ‘field’ or ‘park.’ The core meaning remains the same, but these variations add a touch of creativity and variety to the language.


And there you have it! ‘The Ball Is in Someone’s Court’ is a versatile and widely used idiom that signifies the responsibility or turn of someone to take action. By incorporating idioms like this into your English conversations, you’ll not only sound more fluent but also gain a deeper understanding of the language. Keep exploring idioms, and soon you’ll be a master of English expressions. Happy learning!