Let’s Be Having You Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Let’s Be Having You Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Introduction to ‘Let’s Be Having You’

Hello everyone! Today, we’re going to explore the idiom ‘Let’s be having you.’ This is a fun and commonly used phrase in informal English. It’s often used to express enthusiasm or urgency. Let’s dive in and understand its meaning and usage better!

The Meaning Behind the Idiom

When someone says ‘Let’s be having you,’ they’re essentially saying ‘Come on, let’s go!’ or ‘We need you here.’ It’s a way of urging someone to join in or take action. This idiom is often used in a friendly or encouraging manner.

Example Sentences

To give you a clearer picture, let’s look at a few example sentences. Imagine you’re at a football match, and your team is losing. The coach might shout, ‘Let’s be having you, we need a goal!’ Here, the coach is urging the players to give their best and make a comeback. In a different scenario, let’s say you’re organizing a party, and your friends are taking their time to arrive. You could say, ‘Come on, let’s be having you! The party’s about to start.’ This shows your eagerness for them to join the celebration.

Informal Contexts

It’s important to note that ‘Let’s be having you’ is an informal idiom. You wouldn’t typically use it in formal situations or professional settings. It’s more commonly heard among friends, in casual conversations, or in certain sports or performance contexts. Understanding the appropriate context is crucial when using any idiom.


And that’s a wrap on our exploration of the idiom ‘Let’s be having you.’ We’ve learned that it’s a lively and encouraging phrase, often used to spur someone into action or join in. Remember, idioms are not just words; they carry cultural and contextual meanings. So, the next time you come across ‘Let’s be having you,’ you’ll know exactly what it means. Keep learning, keep exploring, and soon, you’ll be a master of English idioms. Thanks for watching!