Woman of the People Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Woman of the People Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Introduction to Idioms

Hello, English enthusiasts! Idioms are fascinating expressions that add color and depth to our language. Today, we’ll delve into the meaning and usage of the ‘Woman of the People’ idiom.

Defining ‘Woman of the People’

When we say someone is a ‘Woman of the People,’ we’re describing a person who is relatable, approachable, and empathetic towards others. It signifies someone who understands and connects with the common people.

Origins of the Idiom

The origins of the ‘Woman of the People’ idiom can be traced back to ancient times, where leaders who were seen as ‘of the people’ were often revered and respected.

Example Usage in Sentences

Let’s explore some example sentences to understand the idiom better. 1. ‘Even though she’s a famous actress, she remains a Woman of the People, always mingling with her fans.’ 2. ‘The politician’s campaign promises were all about being a Woman of the People, but her actions spoke otherwise.’ 3. ‘In her speeches, the queen often portrays herself as a Woman of the People, highlighting her understanding of the common citizen’s struggles.’

Variations and Similar Idioms

While ‘Woman of the People’ is a commonly used idiom, there are similar expressions in different cultures. For instance, in Spanish, there’s ‘Hombre/Mujer del Pueblo,’ which translates to ‘Man/Woman of the People.’


Idioms like ‘Woman of the People’ offer us a glimpse into the rich tapestry of language. By understanding their meanings and usage, we can become more adept at expressing ourselves. Keep exploring idioms, and soon, you’ll be a master of figurative language!