For Real and For True Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

For Real and For True Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Introduction to ‘For Real and For True’

Hello everyone! Welcome to today’s English lesson. In this lesson, we will be diving into the fascinating world of idioms. Specifically, we’ll be exploring the idiom ‘For Real and For True’. This is a commonly used expression in English, and understanding its meaning and usage can greatly enhance your language skills. So, let’s get started!

The Meaning of ‘For Real and For True’

When we say ‘For Real and For True’, we are emphasizing the authenticity, sincerity, or genuineness of something. It’s like saying ‘absolutely’ or ‘without a doubt’. This idiom is often used to stress the truthfulness or seriousness of a statement or situation.

Example Sentences

To better grasp the usage of ‘For Real and For True’, let’s look at a few example sentences: 1. ‘I’m not just saying it, I really mean it, for real and for true.’ 2. ‘Her dedication to her craft is for real and for true. She practices every day, rain or shine.’ 3. ‘This isn’t just a hobby for him; it’s a passion, for real and for true.’ In these sentences, you can see how the idiom is used to emphasize the sincerity or truthfulness of the statements.

Variations of the Idiom

While ‘For Real and For True’ is the most common form of this idiom, you might also come across variations such as ‘For Real’ or ‘For True’. These variations essentially convey the same meaning and can be used interchangeably in most cases.


And that brings us to the end of our lesson on the idiom ‘For Real and For True’. By understanding the meaning and usage of this expression, you can add depth and nuance to your English conversations. So, the next time you want to emphasize the sincerity or truthfulness of something, remember to use this idiom. Thank you for watching, and I’ll see you in the next lesson!