Cost the Earth Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Cost the Earth Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Introduction to the ‘Cost the Earth’ Idiom

Hello everyone! Welcome to our English lesson today. Idioms are fascinating aspects of any language, and today, we’ll be exploring the idiom ‘Cost the Earth’. This particular idiom is quite interesting, as its meaning is not literal. So, let’s dive in and unravel the figurative world of ‘Cost the Earth’.

The Figurative Meaning of ‘Cost the Earth’

When we say something ‘Costs the Earth’, we’re not referring to its monetary value. Instead, it implies that the thing or action is extremely expensive, either in terms of money, effort, or consequences. It suggests that the cost is so high that it may not be worth it in the end. The idiom is often used to emphasize the excessive nature of the cost, creating a vivid image in the listener’s mind.

Examples Demonstrating the Usage of ‘Cost the Earth’

Let’s now look at some examples to understand how ‘Cost the Earth’ is used in sentences: 1. Buying a luxury car may seem appealing, but the maintenance and insurance costs can ‘Cost the Earth’. 2. The extravagant wedding reception ‘Cost the Earth’, leaving the couple in debt for years. 3. The environmental damage caused by deforestation ‘Costs the Earth’ in terms of loss of biodiversity and climate change. 4. Some high-end fashion brands charge exorbitant prices for their products, making them ‘Cost the Earth’ for the average consumer. 5. The long-term health effects of smoking can ‘Cost the Earth’ in terms of medical bills and reduced quality of life. These examples highlight the varied contexts in which the idiom can be used, showcasing its versatility.

Expanding Your Vocabulary with Idioms

Idioms like ‘Cost the Earth’ not only add color to our language but also help us express complex ideas in a concise manner. By familiarizing ourselves with idioms, we can enhance our vocabulary and become more effective communicators. It’s always a good idea to explore the meanings and usage of idioms, as they often carry cultural and historical significance as well.


That brings us to the end of our lesson on the ‘Cost the Earth’ idiom. We’ve seen how this idiom, despite its simple construction, conveys a powerful message about the high costs associated with certain things or actions. So, the next time you come across this idiom in your reading or conversations, you’ll have a deeper understanding of its figurative meaning. Keep exploring the world of idioms, and you’ll be amazed at the richness of the English language. Thank you for joining me today, and until next time, happy learning!