Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Weighted average maturity

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Weighted average maturity

Paisley: Hi Eden, have you heard of weighted average maturity?

Eden: No, I’m not familiar with it. What does it mean?

Paisley: Weighted average maturity is a measure used in finance to calculate the average maturity of a portfolio of bonds, weighted by the proportion of each bond’s value in the portfolio.

Eden: Oh, I see. So, does it help investors understand the overall maturity of their bond investments?

Paisley: Yes, exactly. It provides investors with an indication of how sensitive their bond portfolio is to changes in interest rates based on the average time until the bonds mature.

Eden: That sounds important. How is weighted average maturity calculated?

Paisley: To calculate weighted average maturity, you multiply the time to maturity of each bond by its proportionate weight in the portfolio, and then sum those values.

Eden: I understand. So, bonds with longer maturities have a greater impact on the weighted average maturity?

Paisley: Yes, that’s correct. Bonds with longer maturities contribute more to the overall weighted average maturity than bonds with shorter maturities.

Eden: Are there any limitations to using weighted average maturity?

Paisley: One limitation is that it doesn’t account for changes in bond prices due to interest rate movements, so it’s just one factor investors consider when assessing bond portfolios.

Eden: I see. So, investors should use it in conjunction with other metrics to get a comprehensive view of their bond investments?

Paisley: Exactly. It’s a useful tool, but it’s important to consider it alongside other factors like yield, credit quality, and duration.

Eden: Thanks for explaining, Paisley.

Paisley: No problem, Eden. Understanding weighted average maturity can help investors make more informed decisions about their bond portfolios.