Advanced English Dialogue for Business – War babies

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About War babies

Elizabeth: Hi Ella, have you heard of the term “war babies” in business and finance?

Ella: No, I haven’t. What does it refer to?

Elizabeth: “War babies” are companies or industries that flourished during wartime due to increased demand for their products or services.

Ella: Oh, I see. Can you give me an example of a “war babies” industry?

Elizabeth: Sure, the aerospace industry experienced significant growth during World War II as governments increased spending on military aircraft and equipment.

Ella: That makes sense. How does the concept of “war babies” impact the economy in peacetime?

Elizabeth: In peacetime, “war babies” may experience a decline in demand as military spending decreases, leading to shifts in the economy and potentially affecting employment and investment in those industries.

Ella: Got it. Are there any other industries that could be considered “war babies”?

Elizabeth: Yes, industries such as defense contracting, logistics, and technology often benefit from increased military spending during wartime.

Ella: Thanks for explaining, Elizabeth. The concept of “war babies” sheds light on the economic dynamics during times of conflict.

Elizabeth: You’re welcome, Ella. It’s fascinating to see how certain industries evolve in response to changing geopolitical circumstances.