Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Waiver of premium

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Waiver of premium

Arthur: Hi Ella, have you heard of a waiver of premium?

Ella: No, what is it?

Arthur: A waiver of premium is an insurance provision that allows policyholders to stop paying premiums if they become disabled or unable to work due to illness or injury.

Ella: Oh, so it’s like a safety net for policyholders if they can’t afford to pay premiums anymore?

Arthur: Exactly. It helps ensure that their insurance coverage remains in force during times of financial hardship.

Ella: That sounds helpful. Are there any eligibility requirements for a waiver of premium?

Arthur: Yes, typically, policyholders need to provide proof of disability or inability to work as specified in the insurance contract.

Ella: I see. So, how does a waiver of premium benefit policyholders?

Arthur: A waiver of premium provides peace of mind, knowing that their insurance coverage will continue even if they are unable to work and pay premiums.

Ella: Thanks for explaining, Arthur. A waiver of premium seems like an important feature for insurance policies.

Arthur: No problem, Ella. It’s a valuable protection that can provide financial security during challenging times.