Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Unmargined account

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Unmargined account

Hailey: Hi Arthur, do you know what an unmargined account is?

Arthur: Hi Hailey, yes, it’s an account where the investor does not borrow funds from the broker to purchase securities.

Hailey: That’s right. In an unmargined account, the investor uses only their own capital to buy and sell securities, so there’s no risk of margin calls.

Arthur: Exactly. It’s a safer option for investors who prefer not to use leverage in their investments.

Hailey: Yes, and while unmargined accounts may offer less potential for high returns, they also involve lower risk compared to margin trading.

Arthur: Absolutely. With an unmargined account, investors don’t have to worry about the possibility of losing more than they invested.

Hailey: Right. They can only invest what they have, which can help mitigate the risk of significant losses in volatile markets.

Arthur: That’s correct. Unmargined accounts are suitable for conservative investors who prioritize capital preservation over aggressive growth strategies.

Hailey: Yes, and they provide a straightforward approach to investing without the complexities and risks associated with margin trading.

Arthur: Indeed. Unmargined accounts offer investors peace of mind knowing that their investments are backed solely by their own capital.

Hailey: Absolutely. It’s a prudent choice for investors who prefer a more conservative investment approach.