Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Universal life insurance

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Universal life insurance

Aubrey: Hi Scott, do you know what “universal life insurance” is?

Scott: No, I don’t. What is it?

Aubrey: Universal life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that offers flexibility in premium payments and death benefits, allowing policyholders to adjust coverage and savings components over time.

Scott: Oh, I see. How does universal life insurance differ from other types of life insurance?

Aubrey: Unlike term life insurance, which provides coverage for a specific period, universal life insurance lasts for the policyholder’s lifetime, and it also has a cash value component that earns interest over time, similar to whole life insurance.

Scott: That’s interesting. Are there any advantages to having universal life insurance?

Aubrey: One advantage is that universal life insurance offers flexibility, allowing policyholders to change their premiums or death benefits as their financial needs change, and they can also access the cash value component for loans or withdrawals.

Scott: I understand. Are there any risks associated with universal life insurance?

Aubrey: One risk is that if policyholders don’t manage their policies carefully, the cash value may not be enough to cover the cost of insurance, potentially causing the policy to lapse or requiring additional premium payments.

Scott: Thanks for explaining, Aubrey. Universal life insurance seems like a versatile option for long-term financial planning.

Aubrey: Absolutely, Scott. It’s important for individuals to carefully consider their financial goals and needs when choosing life insurance and to review their policies regularly to ensure they remain on track.