Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Unissued stock

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Unissued stock

Molly: Hi William, have you heard about unissued stock in business and finance?

William: Yes, unissued stock refers to shares of a company’s stock that have been authorized but not yet sold or distributed to investors.

Molly: That’s right. Unissued stock can be used for various purposes, such as raising capital through a secondary offering or stock dividend.

William: Can unissued stock affect a company’s financial statements?

Molly: Yes, unissued stock is typically listed on a company’s balance sheet under shareholders’ equity as part of the authorized share capital.

William: Are there any potential consequences for a company holding a significant amount of unissued stock?

Molly: Holding a large amount of unissued stock could dilute the ownership stake of existing shareholders if the company decides to issue the stock in the future.

William: I see. So, it’s essential for investors to monitor a company’s unissued stock and its potential impact on shareholder value?

Molly: Exactly. Understanding the implications of unissued stock can help investors make informed decisions about their investments.

William: Thanks for explaining, Molly. I have a better understanding of unissued stock now.

Molly: No problem, William. I’m glad I could help. Let me know if you have any more questions about business and finance topics.