Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Umbrella personal liability policy

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Umbrella personal liability policy

Bradley: Hey Ariana, have you heard about umbrella personal liability policies?

Ariana: No, I haven’t. What are they?

Bradley: They’re insurance policies that provide additional liability coverage beyond what’s offered by typical homeowners or auto insurance policies.

Ariana: Oh, I see. So, they offer extra protection in case of accidents or lawsuits?

Bradley: Exactly. They can help protect your assets if you’re found liable for damages that exceed the limits of your primary insurance policies.

Ariana: That sounds like a good idea. How do you know if you need one?

Bradley: Typically, people with significant assets or high-risk professions opt for umbrella policies to safeguard their wealth and protect against potential lawsuits.

Ariana: That makes sense. It’s like an extra layer of financial protection.

Bradley: Exactly. It’s a way to ensure you’re adequately covered in case of unexpected events that could lead to financial losses.

Ariana: Thanks for explaining, Bradley. I’ll definitely look into it further.

Bradley: No problem, Ariana. It’s always good to be informed about your insurance options to make sure you’re adequately protected.