Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Treasury securities

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Treasury securities

Faith: Hi Elena, do you know about treasury securities?

Elena: Yes, I do. Treasury securities are government bonds issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to finance the government’s operations and manage its debt.

Faith: That’s right. Treasury securities are considered one of the safest investments because they’re backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

Elena: Are there different types of treasury securities?

Faith: Yes, there are. The main types include treasury bills, treasury notes, and treasury bonds, each with varying maturity dates and interest rates.

Elena: I see. So, investors can choose the type of treasury security that best fits their investment goals and risk tolerance?

Faith: Exactly. Treasury securities offer investors flexibility, liquidity, and a reliable source of income.

Elena: Are treasury securities affected by changes in interest rates?

Faith: Yes, they are. Treasury securities are sensitive to changes in interest rates, with their prices and yields moving inversely to each other.

Elena: I understand. So, when interest rates rise, the prices of existing treasury securities typically fall?

Faith: Yes, that’s correct. Conversely, when interest rates fall, the prices of existing treasury securities tend to rise.

Elena: Thanks for explaining, Faith.

Faith: No problem, Elena. Treasury securities play a crucial role in the financial markets and are widely used by investors seeking safety and income.