Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Times fixed charges

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Times fixed charges

Skylar: Hey Roy, have you heard about times fixed charges?

Roy: Hi Skylar! Yes, times fixed charges is a financial ratio used to measure a company’s ability to cover its fixed charges, such as interest expenses, with its earnings before interest and taxes.

Skylar: That’s right, Roy. It’s calculated by dividing earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) by fixed charges, providing insight into how many times a company’s earnings can cover its fixed financial obligations.

Roy: Exactly, Skylar. A higher times fixed charges ratio indicates that a company has stronger financial health and is better positioned to meet its fixed financial obligations.

Skylar: Indeed, Roy. It’s an important metric for investors and creditors to assess a company’s ability to service its debt and maintain financial stability.

Roy: Absolutely, Skylar. Companies with a higher times fixed charges ratio are generally considered less risky investments because they have more earnings available to cover their fixed expenses.

Skylar: That makes sense, Roy. It’s crucial for investors to analyze this ratio along with other financial indicators to make informed decisions about investing in a company.

Roy: Definitely, Skylar. Understanding a company’s ability to meet its fixed financial obligations is key to evaluating its overall financial strength and performance.