Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Time sharing

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Time sharing

Howard: Hi Elizabeth, have you ever heard of “time sharing” in the context of business?

Elizabeth: No, Howard, I haven’t. What does it mean?

Howard: Time sharing refers to a business arrangement where multiple individuals or entities share ownership or access to a particular asset or property for a specified period.

Elizabeth: Oh, I see. So, it’s like sharing the use of something for a certain amount of time?

Howard: Exactly. It’s commonly used in real estate, where individuals purchase the right to use a vacation property for a certain number of weeks each year.

Elizabeth: That sounds like a convenient way to enjoy a vacation property without the full cost of ownership. Are there other examples of time sharing in business?

Howard: Yes, time sharing can also apply to other assets like boats, aircraft, or even computer systems where multiple users share access for specific periods.

Elizabeth: I see. So, it’s essentially a way to maximize the use of resources among multiple parties.

Howard: Exactly. It can be beneficial for businesses and individuals alike, allowing them to access resources they might not otherwise be able to afford or fully utilize.

Elizabeth: That makes sense. Thanks for explaining, Howard. Time sharing seems like an interesting concept with various applications.

Howard: You’re welcome, Elizabeth. If you have any more questions or want to discuss further, feel free to ask.

Elizabeth: Will do. Thanks again, Howard.