Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Tender offer

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Tender offer

Elizabeth: Hi Orla, do you know what a tender offer is in business?

Orla: Yes, I do. It’s when a company makes a public offer to purchase shares of its own stock or the stock of another company at a specified price.

Elizabeth: That’s correct. Tender offers are often used as a way for companies to acquire a significant stake in another company or to buy back their own shares from existing shareholders.

Orla: Have you ever been involved in a tender offer situation?

Elizabeth: Yes, I have. In my previous job, our company made a tender offer to acquire a smaller competitor to expand our market share.

Orla: That sounds like an exciting opportunity. How did the tender offer process work?

Elizabeth: Well, first, our company announced the tender offer publicly, stating the price per share and the total number of shares we intended to purchase.

Orla: And then what happened next?

Elizabeth: Shareholders of the target company had the option to tender their shares if they wanted to sell at the offered price. After a specified period, the company would then determine if enough shares were tendered to proceed with the acquisition.

Orla: Did the tender offer ultimately succeed?

Elizabeth: Yes, it did. Enough shareholders tendered their shares, and the acquisition went through successfully, allowing our company to achieve its strategic objectives.

Orla: That’s great to hear. Tender offers seem like a complex but important aspect of corporate finance.

Elizabeth: Absolutely. They play a significant role in corporate transactions and can have a significant impact on the involved companies and shareholders.

Orla: Thank you for explaining, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: You’re welcome, Orla. Understanding tender offers is essential for anyone involved in the business world.