Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Systematic risk

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Systematic risk

Daniel: Hi Maya, have you ever heard of “systematic risk” in finance?

Maya: Yes, I have. Systematic risk refers to the risk that affects the entire market or a particular segment of it, rather than just a specific company or asset.

Daniel: That’s correct. Factors such as economic downturns, political instability, and changes in interest rates can all contribute to systematic risk.

Maya: Do you think systematic risk can be diversified away?

Daniel: Not entirely. While diversification can help reduce specific risks associated with individual assets, systematic risk remains inherent in the overall market and cannot be eliminated through diversification alone.

Maya: I see. So, even a well-diversified portfolio is still exposed to systematic risk to some extent.

Daniel: Exactly. Investors need to be aware of systematic risk and consider it when making investment decisions, along with other factors such as their risk tolerance and investment objectives.

Maya: Have you ever experienced the effects of systematic risk in your investments, Daniel?

Daniel: Yes, during periods of market volatility or economic downturns, the value of my investments has been affected by systematic risk factors beyond my control.

Maya: That sounds challenging. It underscores the importance of considering systematic risk in investment planning.

Daniel: Indeed. It’s crucial for investors to understand the factors that contribute to systematic risk and implement strategies to manage it effectively.

Maya: Thanks for explaining systematic risk, Daniel. It’s been informative.

Daniel: You’re welcome, Maya. If you have any more questions or want to delve deeper into the topic, feel free to ask.