Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Survivorship life insurance

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Survivorship life insurance

Mariah: Hi Hailey, have you heard about survivorship life insurance?

Hailey: No, I haven’t. What is it?

Mariah: Survivorship life insurance, also known as second-to-die insurance, is a type of policy that covers two people and pays out the death benefit only after both individuals have passed away.

Hailey: Oh, I see. So, it’s different from regular life insurance, which pays out when one person dies?

Mariah: Exactly. Survivorship life insurance is often used for estate planning purposes, providing funds to cover estate taxes or leave an inheritance for heirs.

Hailey: That sounds useful. Are there any specific situations where survivorship life insurance is commonly used?

Mariah: Yes, it’s commonly used by couples who want to ensure their heirs receive an inheritance or to cover estate taxes that may be due upon the second spouse’s death.

Hailey: I understand. So, survivorship life insurance can help protect a family’s financial future?

Mariah: Yes, it can provide financial security for loved ones and help preserve assets for future generations.

Hailey: Are there any drawbacks to survivorship life insurance?

Mariah: One potential drawback is that the policy may have higher premiums compared to individual life insurance policies because it covers two lives instead of one.

Hailey: I see. So, couples considering survivorship life insurance should carefully evaluate the costs and benefits?

Mariah: Absolutely. It’s important to weigh the potential benefits of survivorship life insurance against the costs and consider whether it aligns with their financial goals.

Hailey: Thanks for explaining, Mariah.

Mariah: No problem, Hailey. It’s always good to understand the different types of life insurance available and how they can fit into your overall financial plan.