Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Straight line depreciation

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Straight line depreciation

Mariah: Hi Ariana, do you know what straight line depreciation is in business and finance?

Ariana: No, what is it?

Mariah: Straight line depreciation is a method of allocating the cost of an asset evenly over its useful life.

Ariana: Oh, I see. So, it’s a way to spread out the cost of an asset instead of expensing it all at once?

Mariah: Exactly. By depreciating the asset evenly, it reflects its gradual loss of value over time.

Ariana: Are there any advantages to using straight line depreciation?

Mariah: One advantage is that it’s simple and easy to understand, making it a common method used by businesses for financial reporting and tax purposes.

Ariana: That sounds convenient. Are there any limitations to straight line depreciation?

Mariah: Well, one limitation is that it might not accurately reflect the actual decrease in value of certain assets, especially those that depreciate more rapidly.

Ariana: I see. So, it might not be the best method for assets that lose value quickly.

Mariah: Right. In those cases, other depreciation methods like accelerated depreciation might be more appropriate.

Ariana: How does straight line depreciation affect a company’s financial statements?

Mariah: Straight line depreciation reduces a company’s reported income and increases its expenses, which can impact its profitability and tax liability.

Ariana: Thanks for explaining, Mariah. Straight line depreciation seems like an important concept for businesses to understand.

Mariah: No problem, Ariana. It’s a fundamental aspect of accounting that helps businesses accurately reflect the value of their assets over time.