Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Stop loss

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Stop loss

Mia: Hi Thomas, have you heard about stop loss orders in finance?

Thomas: Hey Mia, yes, stop loss is an order placed with a broker to sell a security when it reaches a certain price, preventing further losses.

Mia: That sounds useful. So, it’s a risk management tool used by investors to limit potential losses on their investments?

Thomas: Exactly, Mia. It helps investors minimize their losses by automatically triggering a sell order if the security’s price falls below a specified level.

Mia: I see. So, investors use stop loss orders to protect their investment capital and manage their risk exposure?

Thomas: Yes, Mia. It’s a proactive strategy to safeguard against unexpected market movements and preserve capital in volatile markets.

Mia: That makes sense. Stop loss orders seem like a valuable tool for investors to maintain control over their investments.

Thomas: Absolutely, Mia. They provide peace of mind and help investors stick to their predetermined risk management strategies.

Mia: Thanks for explaining, Thomas. Stop loss orders seem like something I should consider incorporating into my investment strategy.

Thomas: No problem, Mia. It’s always wise to explore different risk management techniques to protect your investments in the market.