Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Social security tax

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Social security tax

Molly: Hi Allison, do you know what social security tax is?

Allison: Yes, it’s a payroll tax that funds the Social Security program, which provides retirement and disability benefits to eligible individuals.

Molly: That’s correct. Employees and employers both contribute to the Social Security tax.

Allison: How much is typically withheld for Social Security tax?

Molly: Currently, employees contribute 6.2% of their wages, while employers match that amount, making the total contribution 12.4%.

Allison: Are there any income limits for Social Security tax?

Molly: Yes, only income up to a certain threshold is subject to the tax, known as the Social Security wage base.

Allison: What happens to the money collected through Social Security tax?

Molly: The funds go towards paying benefits to current retirees and beneficiaries, as well as building reserves for future beneficiaries.

Allison: Is Social Security tax the same as Medicare tax?

Molly: No, they’re separate payroll taxes. Medicare tax funds the Medicare program, which provides health insurance to eligible individuals.

Allison: Thanks for explaining, Molly. Social Security tax seems like an important part of funding retirement benefits.

Molly: No problem, Allison. It’s crucial for ensuring financial security for retirees and those with disabilities.