Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Senior debt

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Senior debt

Skylar: Hey Walter, have you heard about senior debt in business finance?

Walter: Hi Skylar, yes I have. It’s a type of debt that has priority over other debts in case of bankruptcy or liquidation.

Skylar: That’s right. Senior debt holders are typically paid first before other creditors, which makes it less risky compared to junior debt.

Walter: Exactly. Companies often use senior debt to fund major investments or expansions, leveraging their assets to secure favorable borrowing terms.

Skylar: But isn’t senior debt usually accompanied by stricter repayment terms and higher interest rates?

Walter: Yes, that’s correct. Since senior debt holders have priority in repayment, lenders usually demand lower risk and higher returns.

Skylar: So, for businesses, it’s important to carefully assess their financial situation before taking on senior debt to ensure they can meet the repayment obligations?

Walter: Absolutely. Taking on senior debt requires careful consideration and planning to ensure it aligns with the company’s financial goals and ability to repay.

Skylar: Are there any specific types of senior debt that are commonly used by businesses?

Walter: Common forms of senior debt include bank loans, bonds, and lines of credit, each with its own terms and conditions tailored to the company’s needs.

Skylar: Thanks for the explanation, Walter. Senior debt seems like an important aspect of business finance to understand.

Walter: No problem, Skylar. If you have any more questions about senior debt or other financial topics, feel free to ask!