Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Selling concession

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Selling concession

Joshua: Hey Ava, have you ever heard of selling concessions in business?

Ava: Yeah, I think it’s when a company sells the rights to operate a business or sell goods in a particular location.

Joshua: That’s right. It could be a stand at a concert or a kiosk in a shopping mall.

Ava: How do companies benefit from selling concessions?

Joshua: Selling concessions allows companies to generate additional revenue streams without the need for significant investments in infrastructure or inventory.

Ava: So, it’s a way to expand business opportunities without taking on too much risk?

Joshua: Exactly. It’s a relatively low-risk way to tap into new markets or reach a larger audience.

Ava: Are there any challenges associated with selling concessions?

Joshua: One challenge is competition, as multiple vendors may be vying for the same concession rights.

Ava: How do companies typically secure concession deals?

Joshua: Companies often negotiate with venue owners or event organizers to secure the rights to sell concessions at specific locations or events.

Ava: Thanks for explaining that, Joshua. Selling concessions sounds like an interesting aspect of business.

Joshua: No problem, Ava. It’s a strategic move for companies looking to diversify their revenue streams.